Weapon of a Rogue Slayer; Faith's Knife

Quinn Merrick

Well-Known Member
Got this from a member a few days ago at a great price and in great condition. I couldn't be happier with this. I have Buffy's Slayer Scythe so it's only fitting I get Faith's knife that the Mayor gave her in season 3. I've been wanting to get my hands on one for a while and I'm glad to finally add it to my collection. I just had to show it off in it's new home, here are some pics:

Faith: This is a thing of beauty, boss.


Because some warrants need to be framed...

A small corner of some of my Whedon stuff (oh yes, there's more lol)
Dude, it's "Rogue".

That has to be the most common typo in Geekdom, it has to be said.
Unless there's some transvestite Rebel pilots who fly around wearing makeup that I'm not aware of ;)
Thanks for that completely unrelated and not at all constructive comment about the topic at hand: the prop pictured in this thread. :thumbsup

I fixed the typing error that I made at 2:00am I sure hope you can make it through your day now. :rolleyes
Got any pics of your sense of humour? :p

Yes, the knife is very neat, and you've made a good job of the display.
The framed bulletins are a particularly clever touch. What's the sketch, though?
Actually both of the two other framed paper props are from Angel. The top one is a "missing" flyer for the character Fred and the bottom one is a sketch of a demon that Wesley found. The demon's name was...Dinza (I think thats how you spell it) a demon that knew where lost items could be found.
Well, I think it's an awesome knife and a great display. It's always great to be able to add a much-wanted piece to your collection.

With that said, I'll now tease you with what I got in San Diego a few years ago.

Oh yeah, she's sighing that autograph to ME ..

You know, I had thought about staining it with blood to have that "just stabbed into Faith" look lol But once I got the knife I was like "nope, this thing is just too damn pretty." :lol
Dude, where did you get the buffy scythe from?? that looks great. Is it screen used?? More info please.

Oh, and great knife too :)
<div class='quotetop'>(MattMunson @ Oct 4 2006, 10:24 PM) [snapback]1332323[/snapback]</div>
Dude, where did you get the buffy scythe from?? that looks great. Is it screen used?? More info please.

Oh, and great knife too :)

The scythe is the licensed one that has since been discontinued (they aren't makingm ore) but they can still be bought from the Factory X website. Came out about a year ago. They pop up on ebay all the time and usually go for close to retail or a little less. It's a nice piece in my opinion. Fairly accurate. They used Joss Whedon's personal hero copy of the prop for reference.

EDIT: Appears Ramiel posted while I was typing lol
Have you learned nothing from the Obi Saber collectors?

Now you have to get another knife and do 'both' versions.... the clean one and the bloody version (or the V2 version...)
<div class='quotetop'>(James Kenobi 1138 @ Oct 4 2006, 10:32 PM) [snapback]1332328[/snapback]</div>
Have you learned nothing from the Obi Saber collectors?

Now you have to get another knife and do 'both' versions.... the clean one and the bloody version (or the V2 version...)

Don't do that to me.. It was hard enough finding the first knife at a decent price, in perfect condition and with the display.

Though....should I ever find a second knife at a good price- I just might. :lol
Thanks for the info guys. I did not know that was a commercially available piece. Definitely one of the more iconic props from the show, if you discount Buffy's first season cross necklace, and mr. Pointy. :)
<div class='quotetop'>(MattMunson @ Oct 4 2006, 10:47 PM) [snapback]1332336[/snapback]</div>
Thanks for the info guys. I did not know that was a commercially available piece. Definitely one of the more iconic props from the show, if you discount Buffy's first season cross necklace, and mr. Pointy. :)

Gotta agree with you there. The three props that really stand out from Buffy are the Slayer Scythe, Mr. Pointy and her cross from season one. All of which Factory X made. The cross is fairly nice and even comes with a box similar to the one Angel gives it to her in and is decently priced and can be picked up on ebay easily. However, their Mr. Pointy seems grossly overpriced and is made of resin (if I recall correctly). I'd like mine, whether I buy it or make it, to be out of wood. I mean, COME ON if you're gonna have a stake it should at least be made of wood. :D
Is this screened used? I have the production Jackal. They are great knives. You can find them on e-bay for a decent price every once in a blue moon. Usually the price is jacked. The Jackal stand is even harder to find and can cost as much as the knife. My kinfe is resting on a Wolf stand. You have a great display going on. I might have pics of mine this weekend. Now for Mr. Pointy. Besides the Angel puppets, this could be the worst Buffy/Angel replica created. Jason has the screen used version and I have many pics. The piece of crap offered doesn't even come close. I am waiting to see what the new guys are going to offer.

My knife sans stand

Nice display and knife. I have the Scythe and really like it too. Gotta get that knife as well sometime.
<div class='quotetop'>(Gman666 @ Oct 6 2006, 09:28 AM) [snapback]1333142[/snapback]</div>
Is this screened used? I have the production Jackal. They are great knives. You can find them on e-bay for a decent price every once in a blue moon. Usually the price is jacked. The Jackal stand is even harder to find and can cost as much as the knife. My kinfe is resting on a Wolf stand. You have a great display going on. I might have pics of mine this weekend. Now for Mr. Pointy. Besides the Angel puppets, this could be the worst Buffy/Angel replica created. Jason has the screen used version and I have many pics. The piece of crap offered doesn't even come close. I am waiting to see what the new guys are going to offer.

God, I WISH it was screen used. :lol No, it's just a regular Jackal. And yes, the knife is hard to find at a decent price and the stand even more so. The fact that I was able to get both for the price I got it at was amazing. I was VERY happy to find it and add it to my collection. Its a wonderful little piece

Agreed on the Mr. Pointy. I've never seen it in person but I can't imagine it looks all that much better up close lol.

Do you think you could maybe send me some pics of the screenused stake? I'd love to use it for reference if and when I get around to making my own. You can email them to me at QMerrick@comcast.net