my replica from ebay is 1,2 inches - I remembered, that the Watchmen thread mentioned this size. I hope I am right - if not correct me, Watchmen experts...
you want 2 1/4" thats what mine is. i bought the bloody one for some zombie events, and i searched around for one that wasnt bloody to wear any other time.
a comedian costume that isnt in a robe, with a bloody button is dumb. i was badgered by a leprechaun man at a convention that was telling me my year of research(numerous movie stills and views) and 10 years of reading that book religiously and meticulously was wrong.
you are right, a bloody one in a comedian costume is dumb, but, if buy a bloody one is difficult to find, find the smiley without blood is almost impossible. Any ideas?
2 1/4" is too big for these.
I believe we were coming up with 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" but I think the posts were all made in a Junkyard thread that's long gone.
I've got a few from FJ's run of them from around the movie release, I can double check the size when I get home.
Let me know. My options with this company are pretty limited. 1" or 2 1/4". If they are gonna be way off in size, I can't see anyone wanting them. In which case, I'll take 'em down.
I think mine is 2 1/4" as well. I gotta say, I looooove the ones I bought a while back from Funky Jedi I got alot of smiles when I wore it to the premiere.
when i did my own comedian costume, ahem, the one above, i spent days getting pristine shots of this costume, and measuring the dc direct figure, and scaling them to make it. the button is 2 1/4", its a standard sized button.
how else would i know that?
when i first started looking for this costume, i bought a 1 1/4" blood smiley button, and it was too small. i got a 2 1/4" and it was perfect.
1 1/4" is wrong. absolutely positively wrong. its too small.
My OCD got the better of me, so I went back and redid these. I completely redrew the face, used a more accurate yellow, redid the blood, and made a Graphic novel version.
Yeah, they're still 2 1/4".
(Oh yeah, dropped the price while I was at it too.)
there are pictures of the original button in an exhibit next to the original zippo and they are about the same size across, so I made mine 1.5" and seems alright to me.
unomas, please answer this question: you ended your sentance in your original post, " I really want one of those :rolleyes"
What were you trying to say by adding the rolling eyes emoticon? What do you think it means?