Wanna Build a Slimer like ghost Costume...can anyone help?


New Member
Hi, Well I've been snooping around the boards for a few weeks now, and I'm really into the whole costuming lark, which I do for charity.

I currently Have a 1:1 scale Special Weapons Dalek which I built Myself, as well as a Scratch built Proton Pack.

To continue with the Ghostbusters Theme, I'd like to build a fully wearable slimer type ghost, using a similar process as Deck Star's Ninja Turtle:
http://www.therpf.com/f24/ninja-turtle-suit-working-mouth-75747/ By building up the body with foam, and covering with latex.

For the Arms... I was thinking of mixing Deck Stars method with Penwiper's method on her 'Weeping Angel':
http://www.therpf.com/f24/doctor-who-blink-weeping-angel-costume-dialup-beware-49264/ Which will then be covered again with the liquid latex to match the rest of the costume...

What do people think? Will my method work?

And does anyone know where I can find any referances to how they made the slimer in the movies, as I can't find much at all.

Once I've worked out how to upload pics, I'll get posting some up of my progress...

...Thanks in advance, guys
Thankyou very much, Jarvis... Those vids are very informative and helpful.

They've already given me a few ideas to help with the build...especailly being able to see through the mouth, as, how to see through the thing was a Concern of mine. Many thanks
Right then...I've made a start on this Slimer Type Ghost costume.

First thing was to get some off-cut foam from my local foam shop.

Which resulted in this collection:




Hope it's all enough.....

... The plan now, is this...
First off, is to make a basic vest from the thin sheet foam.... Hot Glue gun seems to glue this stuff well, so I ordered 300 of them.
So A vest was made, which you pull on over the head, like you would a vest! :lol

Next, is to create some basic arms, starting with the hands. The first attempts at the fingers, was laughable...The theory was correct, just not my measuring.
It became clear that the thickness of the foam, wasn't going to allow for all four fingers and a thumb. So, my spook will have just the three fingers on each hand.

Here's what I have photographed so far.... There has been further progress on the arm, but I haven't gotten around to photographing that yet.

Here's a shot of me wearing the vest and the glove, which I'd forgotten to post yesterday.


The further progress on the arm, was to buy some knee high tights, and to cut the toes off, then Hot glue them onto the glove.
I then glued the other end onto some foam to cover the top of the arm and shoulder, and started to build up some muscle mass onto the top.


A very good friend of mine, lent me the arms from a manikin, so I can stretch the arms over them, whilst I work on the muscle toning, and cover the tights part in latex, so it doesn't shrink.




After seeing the photo of me wearing the arm... I'm wondering whether to add more muscle before proceeding with the latex. The Glove still needs work to build up the knuckles too.
And now for a much needed, long over due update!!!!!!

I eventually did decide to build more muscle around the top of the shoulder area of the arm and came up with this...

I then started to add the latex...

After 2 coats, and several days curing, I believed I could risk removing the arm from the Mannequins arm, and....

.. The darn Stuff not only stuck to itself, but also shrivelled and crinkled up onto itself! Days of work ruined...

I now have to re-think the whole arm idea, that will cover my own arm, yet still keep flexability...Hmmmm?

So...whilst I thought about the arms...I decided to start building up the muscle and fat mass on the main body, to be later covered in another layer of thin white foam, before covering in latex.
After building up the flab on the body, I also decide to make the forearm out of foam too. Even though, I had Initially decided against this...



As you can see in the next pic...I'm having abit of difficulty under the arms...LOL!!!

And I still need to find a solution for covering my elbow, that will still be flexable....

Here's the rear, showing the bum cheeks!!!

This is how it will look once the body mass has been completed, and covered in a layer of foam...


Well....Back to chopping up foam, and hot gluing them all together ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone has any comments...helpful tips...Then Please comment, as I'm not sure if I'm going the right route here or not...I feel it's all abit of a hit and miss

Ok....So... My computer monitor ( an old style tube monitor ) decided to exploded on me, leaving me within out a PC to work with for a day, or so..

So I used the time wisely, by working out some of the issue's I had with this costume...
I added another fold of flab to the vest, then proceeded to start with the final skin..
I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story...




Here's how the back looks at the moment..

I will add a zip that will run from the neck down the back, to enable easy access into the costume...
Though I still need to sort out some of the flab folds around the arse (Ass) cheeks before I can add the skin there, and the zip (zipper)

I've also still got the arms to sort out...But I believe I've actually found the solution to my previous problem...
I've been pouring over several photo's and stills of the original slimer, and discovered that the upper arms are made up of folds from the shoulder, right down to the elbow...So this will be how I will do it on my costume.
Hopefully, this will solve the issue I had with the exposed elbows...

I've still yet to even start on the head piece!!! :confused

Hope you like my update.....

Is anyone reading this thread anymore?
Thats looking really great.

Could the folds under the arems be from thin foam or mousemat? Flexable and wouldn't be too bulky when the gap is closed, an exra wrinkle won't look out of place.
What you should do is prop yourself up behind a table of food if you go to a party or even a resturant, so it appears your SLimer is floating and just go to town on the food. Freak and disgust the crap outa people
@Adams.... I've been thinking on this idea...and I can see how it could work...Now I just need to work out how to make it work in the real world

@Tubachris85x.... PMSL!!!! I might just have gate crash a party and hover over the buffet table alot....That would make a great Photo

When I'm home fro work, I'm gonna see if I can get alittle more work done around the bum cheeks, then start on these arms
that looks too awesome! are you going for slimer? or are you going for something relatively close?

id wrestle elephants with my bare hands for a 1:1 scale slimer.
@ themanwoaname.....LOL!!!

I'm going for a Blue relative of Slimer, rather than Slimer himself.
Here's a concept sketch that I'm aiming for:

I wouldn't have thought it would be to difficult to use this same building method to create a 1:1 Slimer costume.....
Infact...If I can sneek more foam into the house...
(The Missus is getting bored of seeing the stuff now)
...Then I might make a Slimer costume too.... No Promises yet, though
Obviously, this is just a concept, and things like the face and arms may turn out different on the costume, due to thickness of materials used and body shape of the costumer wearing it.