wall mounting movie swords...PICS!


Sr Member
I have several movie sword replicas that I'd like to mount next to their movie poster in my home theater room.

I'm not a fan of the mounts that come with the swords, but prefer something very understated and hard to even notice.

I'd like to somehow mount them with very little hardware being shown if possible.

** I also have a 13 year old son, and really don't want him and his buddies tempted to take the swords down when dad's not around. So understated...but secure. :)



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Re: wall mounting movie swords?...

I just ordered a few of these, I think they may be just what I'm looking for.

I'll post pics when they arrive.


Re: wall mounting movie swords?...

I've mounted a few using some things I found at Home Depot or modifying what came with the sword.

I'm happy that they don't have the typical big plaques, just not my style.

What do ya think?

Very nice, no back mount with a wacky design to take away from the beauty of the swords themselves, and it looks classy.
Well, you wanted hard to notice, and I can barely notice them.

Nice job, it makes for a very clean look.
I like what you have done, I to have bought a few of the sword hangers posted above buy have yet to do anything with them yet. Can you post a closer pic of the the LOTR swords near the hilts and maybe one with the swords off and just the hangers, Thanks
Man, what a great idea! That looks way better than the standard wall-plaques that come with most swords. Very nice. :thumbsup
Thanks for the kind words guys!

Stivie, Here are some closeup pics.

The Robin Hood sword was the easiest to hang. I used one of the standard hangers I found online, I think they were a couple bucks each. Because of its hilt, that hanger fit perfectly. However, I couldn't use that style hanger with the other swords.

The Maximus General sword required some planning due to it's size. Simmon M gave me the great idea to just wonder the aisles of Home Depot. I found these little metal things that come in different lengths that have a screw-on end. So I just popped them through a small piece of oak trim and painted them to match the wall. It's sturdy as heck.

The LOTR swords were different too. Their fancy hilt shape makes them stick out further from the wall than, say, the Robin Hood sword. I used the little brackets that come in the box that are supposed to be used for the LOTR plaque. Instead, I screwed them into another small piece of trim and painted it the color of the wall. They all seem to blend in nicely...:thumbsup

The next thing I may try and do is somehow attach the swords to the bracket.

This will be tricky as I don't want to make it visible if possible.

I was thinking strong fishing line or something like that.

These things will be way too tempting for 13 year old boys running around in my basement when my son has buddies over...:)
I too like sword displays that don't have fancy plaques. Very classy! :)

I have to hide my stuff when my son has friends over, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with...
Thanks for the pics! I kind of had the same ideas, but to try and do a whole bunch in a row say on the same strip of wood.
Simple and clean always equals classy in my book.

It's great that you found a few mounting systems that don't detract from the sword at all Brad. They look gorgeous on the wall the way you have them displayed. Makes me want to get some now!

You'll definitely need to figure out a way to secure them with children in the house. I'll give that some thought as well.

Great stuff, thanks for sharing these pics!
I mounted my Katanas in a custom case that I built. They are too sharp for anyone to fondle. This way, they cannot be removed without a torx screwdriver to remove the Lexan. I know the shadowbox is bulky but it's a safety measure.



Your displays look very nice. Having the movie poster also deters those blank stares as people try to figure out why you have swords on the wall. ;-)
Im not a fan of displays for sword, I like the wall mounts of the UC LOTR swords. Thats more classic and you have no problems in situation when you need a "quick sword"... :lol

Looks nice @darthwhitey

even if Im not a friend of white walls... :)
Delmustator, that's a really nice looking case...I love the lights!

A great idea especially when the swords are sharp. I have a LOTR Sting sword that I keep in a display case for the same reason. :thumbsup
I'm thinking of the method of the parent that marks the levels of the bottles of booze so they can tell if any is missing, lol.

You could pick up some clear hair ties at the drug store and slip them up the sword to wear the hilt meets the blade. Then, glue or clip the hair tie to your wall mounts. It would be pretty much invisible and granted with enough force they could remove them, but not without breaking the hair tie, thus you would know about it.
I'm thinking of the method of the parent that marks the levels of the bottles of booze so they can tell if any is missing, lol.

You could pick up some clear hair ties at the drug store and slip them up the sword to wear the hilt meets the blade. Then, glue or clip the hair tie to your wall mounts. It would be pretty much invisible and granted with enough force they could remove them, but not without breaking the hair tie, thus you would know about it.

Great idea Shooter.

I was thinking fishing line, but those hair ties are much thicker if maybe not quite as strong? Either way it's still an awesome idea.

I'll start with hair ties for swords at 13 then move to the booze bottle marking in a few years...:lol