Wall-E retro posters...


Sr Member
My girlfriend and I just got back from Disney World, where we saw blown-up retro Wall-E posters. They were amazing, but after a quick search all I could find were small images on the web. :thumbsdown

So, knowing my favorite character is M-O, my girlfriend surprised me with replicated posters done in Adobe Illustrator so that the vector art can be blown up to poster size! :love I've only got it printed in 8.5" paper right now, but even on my crappy printer, it looks great!


Then she decided to replicate the AUTO poster:


Anyway, I love them and just wanted to show off her work. I guess you can buy official prints now for like $160, but we didn't know that at the time...

...and before anyone asks, she doesn't want to sell these out of respect for the original artist--she just wanted to make them since I wanted them so badly and couldn't get them.

Maybe replicating the Wall-E posters is my "in" to get her to start replicating props. :D Hopefully she'll do more of these soon...
Nice replicas!

And that site has 30 different posters on it. There's some fun stuff there :)

Thanks for sharing!

I actually seen those images at the Disney Store in the mall where I work.. I don't know if they were for sale or not though
I actually seen those images at the Disney Store in the mall where I work.. I don't know if they were for sale or not though
I just saw some on the disneystore.com site, but they're way too big at full movie poster size. Were the ones you saw really large too?
I just saw some on the disneystore.com site, but they're way too big at full movie poster size. Were the ones you saw really large too?

They look slightly larger than the standard movie poster, and they come framed, with a price of $29.99

I seen the Wall-E, Eve, Mo and Auto Pilot versions
The Acme Booth at Comic Con had the official limited editions. Artist's name is Eric Tan. He's done some cool Indy pieces for Acme as well. Might check their website.
They have these in frames at the Disney Stores at 70% off in the local mall. They are pretty fantastic pieces of art.