Vshore100's Iron Man Mk II WIP(PIC HEAVY)


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I am seeing all these great Iron Man builds and it inspired me to post the progress of my build. I plan on pepping most of the parts first so that I can make any necessary adjustments to the cardstock(seems a lot easier to me) than to a resined/rondoed piece. So far I have the helmet(going to do another), neck seal, chest, back(minus flaps), right arm bicep, elbow, and upper/lower forearm. Any way I hope you guys enjoy and constructive criticism is always welcome.:)

Credit for the files goes to:
DungBeetle - current helmet
Dubean33/Sharkhead - new hd Helmet (not pepped)
Dancin_fool - neck seal,chest,back,biceps,elbows,upper/lower forearms
Thanks for the great files guys!:)
Hey fellas. Thanks for the comments. I have slowed down quite a bit due to the cold weather, BLAH! :thumbsdown Yeah I have some more photos. It is mostly just pepped and resined stuff. The helmet, biceps, and elbows are rondoed. I am waiting for DF's new ab and pelvis file so I can finish all the pep work. I can't wait for spring to get crackin on this thing again.:love My goal is Halloween2011. But if I don't make it no biggy. I want this to be a killer suit. Enjoy and thanks for looking!:)

Note, the dungbeetle helmet that is bondoed is for my nephew for Christmas. Gotta brave the cold and get that puppy done for next week. not much left to do thank God. Gonna paint it at work where it is nice and warm inside. That helmet was my first ever pep. Thought it would be put to good use by him. He's eight and an Iron Man freak too,lol!

Jordan, there are a few others that are posted in your "post your iron man costume photo thread" that it wouldn't let me post here for some wierd reason. Oh well.
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Looks like your peps are turning out real well. It just amazes me what can be done when paper is folded properly. For example the shape and detail in the leg you pepped. Wow!
Looks like your peps are turning out real well. It just amazes me what can be done when paper is folded properly. For example the shape and detail in the leg you pepped. Wow!

Thanks guys for the comments. Yeah weaponX, the legs and the arms ar my favorites. Even in paper, it feels friggin awesome to wear. Cant wait to get them done.
Like a snail Kagn. Winter sucks!!! It is too cold in the garage to do any resining/rondoing so the peps are just chillin, waiting for warmth,lol! Thanks for checking in though. I'll update as soon as I have something.
Like a snail Kagn. Winter sucks!!! It is too cold in the garage to do any resining/rondoing so the peps are just chillin, waiting for warmth,lol! Thanks for checking in though. I'll update as soon as I have something.

and I will be checking in you can count on it...! lol