Hellloooo gang. Well Im approaching a month long trip in various hotels here in Asia and this time I brought some productive things to do. I knew I would be sitting around for weeks at a time and what better way to pass the time than build some models! So I packed up my suit case with paints, glue, Dremel, masking tape and a cheap $12 compressed air airbrush.
Working in a hotel room presents a ton of issues like fumes, noise and keeping lookie loo maids out of your room. There is usually some asian pop band screaching on TV so that drounds the Dremel. To protect the innocent I wont go into painting:cool BTW the cheap airbrush Is only good for bigger items as you cant adjust the spray pattern. So all weathering was done with dry brushing and chalk. Ill hit it with a real airbrush and dulcoat when I get home. They can keep me in a box but I will build! I will build!
Working in a hotel room presents a ton of issues like fumes, noise and keeping lookie loo maids out of your room. There is usually some asian pop band screaching on TV so that drounds the Dremel. To protect the innocent I wont go into painting:cool BTW the cheap airbrush Is only good for bigger items as you cant adjust the spray pattern. So all weathering was done with dry brushing and chalk. Ill hit it with a real airbrush and dulcoat when I get home. They can keep me in a box but I will build! I will build!