VashDStampede's 1/6 head sculpts and custom figures - Nacho Libre, 1989 Batman Boombox Goon, The Princess Bride, Doctor Who, The Fly


Sr Member
I know I've been out of the prop game for a while, but I figured I'd post what I've been up to lately.
I got into sculpting 1/6 scale heads, to try it out and take a break from 1:1 scale sculptures. It's been pretty fun and a good learning experience which has sparked my desire to keep sculpting.
Here are some of my sculptures and custom builds using my head sculpts:

1/6 9th Doctor / Christopher Eccleston


1/6 War Doctor / John Hurt


1/6 Bad Wolf / Billie Piper


Amy Pond / Karen Gillan



1/6 The Fly - Seth Brundle / Jeff Goldblum


1/6 Ian Malcolm / Jeff Goldblum , 1/6 Clara Oswald / Jenna Coleman


It's been fun making these and a good past time that is holding my interest since I'm not constrained as to what to make since these are my own personal projects.
Anyway, I hope to get more done soon since these take me days to finish instead of months.
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Beautiful work. I also do 1/6 customs, not sculpting though. Love what you have done. I'd go so far as to say your Amy Pond is perfect. Here is one of mine:
Do you sell casts of any of your sculpts? I'm busting to know what else you have planned. Your work is very refined. That is the kind of work that paint up really well and looks hyper realistic.
Thanks Spuggs! I've only been at this for a few months now and it's been a really fun learning experience.
I've only offered the two doctors so far on the Sideshow freaks site, but feel free to PM me for any other questions.
I'm planning on doing a couple more Doctor Who characters from the new seasons and some from other franchises.
These are seriously amazing. You have captured each likeness.I am impressed!
Not my department at all, but these are really impressive, amazing likenesses!
Thanks Amish Trooper, Jedifyfe and Pedro! I'm a novice at this scale, but I'm learning new techniques along the way, not just in sculpting but in painting as well. It's fun not having any restrictions as to what to make and seeing it completed in a short period of time.

I'm hoping to do a 1/6 scale telepod, but until then, I wanted to see what Brundle would look like with a lighted base (Warning: Action figure nudity) :
"Is it live, or is it Memorex?"

Awesome. As a superfan of the movie, this is way cool to see. Bring on a Telepod! There's been a sad lack of FLY merchandise, aside from the Sideshow Brundlefly statue from 2007.
Amazing work, if you don't mind me asking what type of clay or medium do you use? I am really impressed with your work.

Thanks Gregatron, youngwm, and Watson!
I like interesting characters and ones that struck a chord with me from childhood, so those are the ones that I'll be sculpting.
I'm actually not using the right clay for this scale figures, but since all I had was soft Roma Plastilina, that's what I used.
I really need to try using either a harder clay or wax for future sculpts.
Thanks Leigh! Diving into something new like this was a bit scary since I didn't think my sculpting abilities could transfer over to this small scale, so it's nice to know that folks are digging it. Still have lots to learn, but it's been fun so far.
Thank you zorg! I'll be painting another one this weekend, so hopefully it comes out as good as this last one.
Thanks Spuggs! I've only been at this for a few months now and it's been a really fun learning experience.
I've only offered the two doctors so far on the Sideshow freaks site, but feel free to PM me for any other questions.
I'm planning on doing a couple more Doctor Who characters from the new seasons and some from other franchises.
How can I get in touch with you, Vash? I'm fairly new to the boards and can't seem to locate how to send you a PM.

Thanks -

I wish I had half your talent, those all look amazing. I have some custom 1:6 figures I want to make but my lack of head sculpting is holding me back.