Vader TIE on the cheap!


Master Member
I just picked up this Vader TIE toy from the Saga collection for $20 at WalMart and hit it with some light grey. I'm going to do some more detailing work thanks to some of the recent images posted below of the beautiful studio scale kits built up. Basically, I'm going to copy them :angel Oh, and I have to fix those stupid rocket launcher holes...Suggestions?


Fill the rocket launcher holes with sheet styrene. Then glue cleaned up sprue and other parts bin greeble parts in there.

That should fix those up right nice and cheap-like.
That cockpit top hatch looks like it could be sanded down on the bottom of it for a better fit and improve the overall shape of the entire cockpit sphere.
I seriously cannot wait to see what you do with this.

How close to Studio Scale is the toy? Can't be far off. :confused

Keep the progress pics comin dude.

Very kewl.
Moving this to General Modeling as it is not SS.

Always cool to see upgrades being made to toys & models. Good luck with the project.