Underworld Sonja's Armor Advice & Help Needed!


New Member
I'm attempting to make Sonja's armor from Underworld: Rise of the Lycans for a convention. I'd like to be as authentic as possible without making the armor out of steel (like it was in the movie). I've found several sites that have decent advice on how to make foam or wonderflex armor but it was mostly anime related so the shapes and patterns didn't really help. I would like to make the helmet as well but haven't been able to find any decent advice or patterns for how to make one.

I have a decent pattern for the shoulders and one that may work for the gauntlets. I'm at a complete loss as for how to do the breastplate and collar.

I plan on making the full armor as well as the corset/costume you see when she removes the armor. The corset isn't a problem. I'm good at sewing. My issue has been with finding less expensive chain mail to use for the skirt. The places I've found want minimum orders of $250 and you don't get much of the fabric.

Have any of you ever made this costume before? Where did you run into trouble?

Does anyone have any ideas, advice, patterns, or resource/material suggestions on ways to make this costume?

Thanks a ton!

If you have access or plan to build to one I'd say vacuum form it.
Build up the under layer with blocks of wood or foam then sculpt it in clay.
Let it get leather stiff then vac over it.

If the pull needs work fill the pull with ultracal and do your clean up on that till you get it smooth with sharp details or instead of vac forming mold it then either fiberglass into it or do a paper mache.
Good luck with the mail...

It is sometimes known as 'Queens Mail'... The rings are much smaller than normal mail therefore much harder to make and therefore more expensive to buy... That is if you can find any...

You could try making it your self as mail is not that hard just mind numbingly boring!!!
If you have access or plan to build to one I'd say vacuum form it.
Build up the under layer with blocks of wood or foam then sculpt it in clay.
Let it get leather stiff then vac over it.

If the pull needs work fill the pull with ultracal and do your clean up on that till you get it smooth with sharp details or instead of vac forming mold it then either fiberglass into it or do a paper mache.

Thanks for the tip! I would love to vacuum form them but unfortunately I don't have access to the equipment. I wish I did! I like your idea of molding it then using fiberglass or paper mache. I was thinking of taking paper mache casts of my arms, shoulders and knees to make molds out of in order to get a proper fit. I have a feeling the breast plate is going to be the hardest. Your idea of molding it first is a great idea!
The small ringed chain mail used is probably the stuff butchers use for gloves and aprons. I'm prety sure thats what Weta used for the White Witch's mail for Narnia
Good luck with the mail...

It is sometimes known as 'Queens Mail'... The rings are much smaller than normal mail therefore much harder to make and therefore more expensive to buy... That is if you can find any...

You could try making it your self as mail is not that hard just mind numbingly boring!!!

Thanks! The Ring Lord actually sells a premade mail that looks fairly close. I'm thinking of using that for either the shirt or the skirt, just to save time. I can't imagine how dull making mail that small would be!
vacuu-form would work nicely for most of this but the neck looks brutal... how did anyone even put that on? I don't see where/how it opens...
As to how the neck opens.

To the left of the neck piece there is a stud.
This is where the neck will open with a hinge to the right.
It looks close to a 16th century armoured gorget and that is how they work.

What confuses me about this armour is how they rode horses in it.
Real armour of a similar design would be a lot more articulated and as a rider I would not fancy being on a horse in what would amount to a body cast.

Some pix of the knee piece can be found here.

Check around on other sites that sell screen used props and costumes and you may find more parts with better pictures.
Prop Store of London would be a good place to start.
Dig through the archives on these sites, you can sometimes find some really good images.
As to how the neck opens.

To the left of the neck piece there is a stud.
This is where the neck will open with a hinge to the right.
It looks close to a 16th century armoured gorget and that is how they work.

What confuses me about this armour is how they rode horses in it.
Real armour of a similar design would be a lot more articulated and as a rider I would not fancy being on a horse in what would amount to a body cast.


I agree!!! As a rider myself I don't think my horse would go for me riding him in steel armor. LOL. Once I found out that her armor in this movie was steel and that she did a lot of the riding herself, I was very impressed!
Some pix of the knee piece can be found here.

Check around on other sites that sell screen used props and costumes and you may find more parts with better pictures.
Prop Store of London would be a good place to start.
Dig through the archives on these sites, you can sometimes find some really good images.

Excellent advice! Thank you!

I made one of the bracers this weekend. Well, I started it at least. Craft foam worked well. I'm going to have to use wonderflex for the breastplate and shoulder pieces though, as well as part of the knee pieces. I think it should work quite well.

I found a scrapbooking cutout that does the perfect scalloped edges but I'm going to have to come up with something more durable I think for the future...or buy a LOT of those cutouts as they wear out!
Any photos of your work so far.
I love the armour from underworld.
Also do we know who made the original?
It looks like the work of a guy called Ugo.
