ultimate iron man


New Member
hiya i have just started an ultimate iron man armor build. i did this yesterday printed from pepakura glued down on to thicker card cut out then after a fue hours lots of hot glue gun sticks and plenty of burns later it ended like this. let me no what u think :)

thanks craig.
you mean to tell me, that now there's an ultimate ironman pep?

thanks for giving me an iron man pep build that i would actually be interested in watching!

there's ultimate ironman, and then there's everything else.
you mean to tell me, that now there's an ultimate ironman pep?

thanks for giving me an iron man pep build that i would actually be interested in watching!

there's ultimate ironman, and then there's everything else.

I'd be pleased to see any pep version actually finished.

Good luck!

Looks great thus far.
I think the helmet looks like that because in the pepakura viewer you can set the width of the spaces for easier viewing of the individual pieces.
If you download the helmet, right click, go to view options, and slide the spaces slider to the right, it will connect them all; giving yo a better idea of how it will look completed.

Looking good so far! I hope you finish it, I dont think I've ever seen a completed U IM.
thanks for the coments thats where i found the files actually i culdnt remember i was actually lookin 4 an extremis suit any1 have any ideas if there is files 4 it?

im also toying with the idea of makin a hybrid of the ultimate and robos movie files? what do u think? im not all that inpressed with the ultimate helmet i did make it b4 but moved n found it bin worthy.

thanks again craig.