Thanks to Google this thread showed up in my inbox this morning.:thumbsup
Sorry we missed your email.
As ep1972 said (thanks btw:thumbsup) the suits are reflective. They are not powered by any battery source so they do not light up. That said, the smallest amount of indirect light will set them off....and then they do appear to be powered.
The one jacket on youtube where you see the lights flickering, is our second light up prototype jacket. Powering these light areas to work as they did on film is doable, but there are a lot of factors we still have to work out before we can introduce this as a commercially available product.
First thing is the cost. That youtube jacket has thousands of dollars worth of electronics in it. The cost of the jacket as is would be well over $10,000.00USD, so we're working on a strategy that will allow for state of the art light up areas, that wont break, rip, or cause any interference with the product itself as a whole. If we can get the light up jacket to perform exactly as needed, with ALL the light up areas working...not just selectively choosing which ones to a reasonable MSRP then we'll have passed the first obstacle.
The second factor is producing them. I have no doubt that if we introduce this jacket (and maybe pants at this point) that do in fact light up..that they will sell. The question then is, what if we sell 500, 1,000 or more? Naturally we then have to produce them, and the first rule of any released product at UD Replicas is guaranteeing production, plain and simple. If we're selling it, you can bet that the final product will be even better than advertised on the website.
We're working on a production plan for these possible light up garments, and only when I am 200% satisfied that we can handle a high volume of sales will we proceed to release these light up goods.
So in short, price and production. If we can guarantee both...then yes, we'll introduce these goods.
We're actively working on them and have been since July of 2010 but they're not as easy or straight forward as it may the reality is that for the time being they remain a WIP.
If you do proceed to purchase the reflective suits, make sure to give me a call with your measurements so that we can discuss sizing.
Here's a look at how they reflect...
Regarding Delivery:
The deadline WAS the 7th of January for SECOND QUARTER DELIVERY but due to popular request that has been extended to the end of Jan, and remains SECOND QUARTER DELIVERY 2011!
There are all sorts of light up options being explored by the costumers, and a lot of them have gotten some fantastic results. Much respect to them all even just for investing the time and resources to get their suits to light up. I'm a huge supporter of the costume world, and believe it to be one of the coolest and safest hobbies to a child or adult. Just the build approach on any given costume stimulates creativity on a whole new level and really is a lot of fun! :thumbsup
As for our suits, they're rather bang on to what was seen on film even though yes...they are motorcycle suits, I still believe we've engineered and produced the very best possible 'Movie Replica' option to date...and with the impending release of our Rinzler suit, we're hoping to raise that bar even higher.
While I certainly enjoyed and still do to this day miss making traditional costumes, our focus on movie replica suits has never been more accurate, and our standard of quality has increased tenfold with the introduction of our licensed leather goods.
Quality, Accuracy, and the guarantee that you're in safe hands when you place an order at is not only our motto...but proven time and time again by the reviews posted by our clients after receiving their goods. :thumbsup
From some of our clients:
BTW...the RPF is still the number one message board with referring hits to our website every single guys are amazing, and thanks you!:thumbsup
If anyone needs to reach me for whatever reason, just call me direct at 905-223-5818.
Cheers everyone!
David Pea