Gerry Anderson, and the Battery Boy. Good point. Then I think of the 2001 Moon Bus and the Eagles.. the Moonbase.... the 2001 hostess clothing and the Alpha unisex look.
Y'gotta bear in mind that for 2001 Kubrick went to the Andersons to bolster his FX team way back in '64. And why did he do that? Because Gerry Anderson's team was acknowledged at that point as world leaders in the art of film visualisation of the 21st Century. The Andersons were on that track before Kubrick.
They refused his request for FX guys, but Kubrick did poach from them Brian Johnson who ended up designing the moonbase for 2001 pretty much singlehandedly. According to him, he also designed an eagle type moonbus for 2001 but it was rejected in favour of the one in the film presumably. So for Space 1999 he ripped off
himself with the moonbase, and pulled out of the drawer the old eagle design. PLUS, Gerry Anderson's Captain Scarlet (1967) featured a 'moon-hopper', which is clearly an ancestor of the Eagle - and would've been constructed before 2001 was released. As a moonbus concept, it's every bit as convincing as the 2001 craft. Even costumewise, the Andersons were pioneering 2001-style future clothes pretty much concurrently with Kubrick - Captain Scarlet.
Nevertheless, I do think they were influenced by 2001's view of the frightening desolation of space as an environment. Still, space has always been seen as terrifying in Anderson shows (a notion that was wiped from the culture with Star Wars, and which only Alien and, latterly, Moon, have ever tried to recapture).