Tron Legacy Hoodie/Nightclub wear


Basically the general plan i had was to make a costume from the tron movie based o the characters outfits. After seeing other Tron projects and playing Tron Evolution, the character Gibson gave me an amazing idea for regular clothes i wear on a daily bases.

Build concept: I plan on making a hoodie first for anime expo coming up pretty soon here, as well as wearing it out in public ad getting compliments from people who appreciate Tron and or the creativeness of my design. Afterwards I will go on to design my other clothes such as gloves, shoes (which sounds extremely awesome), possibly party shirts that you would wear to either a wedding or reunion of sorts, and then maybe headgear.

Right now though i need people's honest opinions on what i should use for The design patterns in terms of materials, EL Tape and or Reflective tape. this has been making me go back and forth because some people like how reflective tape looks but then again it doesnt give them the Tron glow (thats what I call the effect of having your suit glowing continuously) while with EL tape/panels people have the ability to not only design their suits as they please but can constantly have their suits lit up. my only problem with EL tape is that I dont understand how I can cut strips if not design patterns from it and still give it power.

So if i can get some personal first hand opinions on EL tape and refelctive Tape I would appreciate it.

Below is my patter which I have shown in another thread, as of now I have update my actual pattern I plan to use but have not yet fully colored it in and detailed it.
this is a cool idea. i would definatley say though that if you havent worked with EL tape or EL wire, dont use it quite yet. unless of course you test it out on something at first. Reflective tape on the other hand is good. your going to need to glue it down though instead of just sticking it down. it does indeed glow in any type of light. as long as your in some sort of light, its going to glow. anyway good luck to you, hope this info helps!