Translucent Green acrylic , anyone know where I can get it?


Master Member
I'm making a custom base for a certain "Super" bust coming soon and I'm looking for translucent green acrylic rods and a circular base for it. Does anyone know a specific place that carries it? A lot of the internet places I found only have clear.
Unless you have money to burn, you are better off buying a 1" thick sheet of plexi (or acrylic) and having it cut into a circle for you.

Rods only come in certain lengths in certain sizes, solid or hollow, and cast (which is what most people use for cutting) only comes in 4' lengths that I have found.

There are a few companies online though, a quick google search for cast acrylic rod should net you a few leads.
Yep, I'd like a circular base in 14 inches diameter with a 3 foot rod. The one guy listed above wants to charge about $450.00 for what I want done, that is way too much.
Does anybody have any suggestions on a base? It's for the Superman Bust coming soon.
Coloured Acrylic Rod All diameters

Coloured acrylic rods are available in the following diameters:
3.2mm, 4.8mm, 6.4mm, 9.5mm, 12.7mm, 19mm, 25.4mm

and the following rod lengths:

in the following colours (subject to availability):
Transparent colours:
Yellow, Green, Amber, Red, Blue, Purple

Shipping will prob be a nightmare though ;-)