An appreciation post here to everyone working on this! It's a mildly long one but think you all deserve a pat on the shoulder.
Man been away from the RPF for too long but coming back and finding this thread with all the creativity and cleverness of so many, made me smile.
Arky' your unique tricorder design which I love, feels like such a great evolution (love it so much more then the Picard series trics we got!).
Nice work all around from so many here, now can't name all the stuff that impressed me from so many, but JaredTS486, Mr. Engineer, and VincePopcorn: saw photos of all your builds all catch my eye, and they all look like such great work! And seeing others helping with the coding and stuff like wystewart well, the collaboration in this thread reminds me of happier times of days gone by in my youth. How often do you see people collaborating on stuff like this anymore. 'Brings warm feelings ot my heart', to quote an old green guy lol.
Seeing this all got me so inspired and seeing the animations reminded me I need to spend some time getting my own After Effects stuff honestly. So time consuming, but seeing VincePopcorn animations were so cool. I know what those can take to make look right... Last thing I'm still stuck working on for the last year now, has needed about a dozen screens with individual animated gui styles for a crazy Tardis console, so kudos on making those animations look right and work for a tiny screen and still retain the clarity of design too!
Perhaps I can get moving on making something of my own with a working lcd screen... My old Relativity tricorder (not quite the one your all thinking of, its from a different parallel universe) could really shine doing a working lcd screen following these methods you've all utilised here.
Feeling motivated from this wonderful piece of working art you're all working on. Keep up the good work!