Total Recall Paper Props..

No, I didn't make these.. A friend of mine does a bunch of paper props for different movie and tv shows.. Hadn't really seen these around so grabbed them off him..
I remember buying the card set that had some things in it.. seems like it come with a rock and a few other odd things
I remember buying the card set that had some things in it.. seems like it come with a rock and a few other odd things

Yup! The Collector Card Set came with - Mars Rock, Shuttle Ticket, Rekall Receipt, and several Mars Banknotes.

I liked them so much, I got 2 sets.
After all it looks like the set an ebay seller from Ireland is selling... I watched this offer a few day and then take a look on his other stuff. Many parts looks like some paper props from here.

I dont know where you got the props from, but if youve got that props not from that guy, then these props were simply copied and sold on ebay...
Very cool collection! I love Total Recall, I think I've actually seen that same replica collection for sale on eBay from the dude in Ireland, I've also seen a couple of the currency bills replicas from the movie sold on there on and off. Thanks for posting those pics, it's always awesome to see this stuff!! :D \m/
I dont know where you got the props from, but if youve got that props not from that guy, then these props were simply copied and sold on ebay...

I'm not sure.. It's definitely the guy from Ireland.. I haven't really looked into everything he does.. I got the V's Passports and R6 bottles ( Both from V: The New Series ), and that I am aware of, he is the only person that does these.. I haven't seen the Total Recall stuff around either.. I also got the Proclaimers from HP, the ones I got didn't have the red M and signature on them, he had forgot it, so he sent another copy of them out, which did have them.. So with what I have gotten, to me, it looks like they are his work..
Yeah the total recall props are not from here, but different pieces looks like they are from here... I remember we had some proclaimers from HP here, never noticed if they are looking like his props...

If they are made by him, sorry... but everyone should take a closer looks on paper props these days...