Top 5 Christmas Movies

Currently... hmmm...

Trading Places
White Christmas
Muppet Christmas Carol

After that it gets a bit tough as some would only be considered 'specials' (Charlie Brown, Grinch, Emmett Otter, etc).
Still would want to place Die Hard in there and one or two others perhaps, hard to get a clear 5. Have heard great things about The Holdovers, but haven't seen it.
Don't watch a lot of movies much anymore.
Home Alone will always be a favorite. Even part 2.
Elf was fun.
A Christmas Story is just a classic.
Christmas Vacation, because who doesn't want to cake their house with a million lights and set the power meter on fire?

Those are probably the 5 I've seen the most and really remember the most.
A Christmas Story
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Home Alone
Emmet Otter's Jug-band Christmas
Uh... Football?

I usually only watch the first three every year, or nearly that. I don't really have a fifth. Everyone is saying to watch Four Christmases, but I haven't seen it yet.


Currently... hmmm...

Trading Places
White Christmas
Muppet Christmas Carol

After that it gets a bit tough as some would only be considered 'specials' (Charlie Brown, Grinch, Emmett Otter, etc).
Still would want to place Die Hard in there and one or two others perhaps, hard to get a clear 5. Have heard great things about The Holdovers, but haven't seen it.
Trading is great forgot about that
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Die Hard
Leathal Weapon
A Christmas Story
It's a Wonderful Life
Miracle on 34th Street
Santa Claus is Comin' To Town/ Year Without a Santa Claus
A Christmas Story
Christmas Comes to Willow Creek
Catch Me if You Can (If Die Hard counts, which I believe it does, then so does this one)
A Christmas Carol (I really like the Disney Jim Carrey one)
1. Die Hard
2. Gremlins
3. Silent Night Deadly Night
4. Terrifier 3
5. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

Special Mention: Fatman (Mel Gibson)