Tomb Raider Glowing Sticks


Sr Member
Does anyone know if these are real existing glowing sticks? Or a custom made prop?


First I thought these are normal glowing sticks, simply taped together.

But after ordering some Making of books, I saw that the sticks are in these special "holders". I did a quick search, but found nothing like that.

Does anyone know more?


Any help is appreciated...
They look like 4 normal glowsticks stuck together in a custom holder. It would be fairly easy to model and print these or commission someone to do it for you.
Given that liquid light glow sticks are not typically bright enough to film, and have a limited life span and variable brightness, these are almost certainly a custom built prop with an internal led or incandescent light source.
The trick we used on Predator (the original) was to heat the Cylum material to increase the brightness in order to film it. I don't think this was used for Tomb Raider.
They do make some extremely bright versions of these glow sticks, especially in the color used on Tomb Raider. They can light up a room fairly well, but they only last about 4-5 minutes and then they die quickly.
But I would think stuffing an LED strip inside the tubes would be a lot more practical for filming since they likely have to shoot the scenes over and over...

Didn't know you could heat them to make them brighter though, that's pretty cool. :)
I think I just want to have it for my display. But it looks like the holders are really custom made. That makes it a lot harder to get this...