TK Helmet Suggestion..I need your opinions


New Member
I recently purchased an AP helmet kit, upgrade from my bobblehead fx helmet. After trooping I would always have to wipe down the interior because of all the moisture. For my new helmet I though about lining it with a moisture wicking fabric ie. underamor. I just wanted to get your opinions and some suggestions about what you all have done to the interior of your helmets. Thanks
I've not had a problem with the helmet collecting moisture. Might be due to the fans I have in it. The armor does collect moisture, but I just let it dry naturally. :)
....not too sure that the fabric alone would work well. You need somewhere for the moisture to evaporate would be your best bet....
Also I've seen some impressive removable motorcycle helmet pad mods (you'll want them removable & washable or your helmet will reek after a few troops). But I'd stick with the fans.
Fans will be the best way of avoiding moisture in your bucket. Here a pic from a guy of the German Garrison with his helmet interior:

Interior is looking great, but I´m wondering where he puts his face during trooping :lol

I´m having a big head and there´s no chance my head would fit into such an "equipped" bucket ;)

I use fans just the most....I have to say, the fans in the german bucket are wicked lookin'...I wonder where he got 'em?