Time Machine on American Restoration


Active Member
The teasers to last night's American Restoration show had Rick, the lead guy talking about a Time Machine, but it was all cheesey looking with a propellor. When the show came on, however, the camera spent more time on it and other props in the yard of some West coast collector. It was apparent when the camera did a longer pan of the Time Machine, that it was indeed a copy of the George Pal/H G Wells, that had the propellor part just leaning up against the front. They asked where he got it and he said he it came from "an old MGM movie". He also had the mini sub from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, painted blue with big yellow lettering running down the side. There was so much stuff, it was hard to make out individual items, but there may have been more sci-fi stuff in there. Would like to have known the story on the Time Machine.....
The teasers to last night's American Restoration show had Rick, the lead guy talking about a Time Machine, but it was all cheesey looking with a propellor. When the show came on, however, the camera spent more time on it and other props in the yard of some West coast collector. It was apparent when the camera did a longer pan of the Time Machine, that it was indeed a copy of the George Pal/H G Wells, that had the propellor part just leaning up against the front. They asked where he got it and he said he it came from "an old MGM movie". He also had the mini sub from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, painted blue with big yellow lettering running down the side. There was so much stuff, it was hard to make out individual items, but there may have been more sci-fi stuff in there. Would like to have known the story on the Time Machine.....

There are many replicas of the machine made by fans of the movie. The original machine was rescued by Bob Burns and is currently in his basement with many other original props.

Part of that story is here-

Props - The Time Machine

There is also a wonderful documentary, "The Time Machine: The Journey Back", hosted by Rod Taylor. An added bonus at the end of this documentqry is a short sequel to "The Time Machine" with Rod and Alan Young reprising their characters. Whit Bissel came out of retirement to reprise his charater as well and, as I understand it, wouldn't have done this for anything else.
There are many replicas of the machine made by fans of the movie. The original machine was rescued by Bob Burns and is currently in his basement with many other original props.

Part of that story is here-

Props - The Time Machine

There is also a wonderful documentary, "The Time Machine: The Journey Back", hosted by Rod Taylor. An added bonus at the end of this documentqry is a short sequel to "The Time Machine" with Rod and Alan Young reprising their characters. Whit Bissel came out of retirement to reprise his charater as well and, as I understand it, wouldn't have done this for anything else.

One of *the* best movie props ever! And I've seen the sequel which, though quite short, makes a nice coda to the film.
Not sure what the story is on the prop on American Restoration. Looks as though it is missing parts. Can't imagine someone building it and then letting it go, condition-wise. If it is a fan built Time Machine, it was either never finished or it has fallen on hard times. Was there only the hero prop (now in Bob's basement collection) or could there have been other versions used in production?
There is also a wonderful documentary, "The Time Machine: The Journey Back", hosted by Rod Taylor. An added bonus at the end of this documentqry is a short sequel to "The Time Machine" with Rod and Alan Young reprising their characters. Whit Bissel came out of retirement to reprise his charater as well and, as I understand it, wouldn't have done this for anything else.

And, pray tell, may I find this?!!!
Time Machine: The Journey Back is on the dvd release as a bonus feature. It was also included on the more recent vhs releases