The true Pride and Joy of my collection


Well-Known Member
Well, since I spilled the beans on my latest Sonic Screwdriver fabrication, I figured I would share something else with you guys, something which I consider to be the true centerpiece of my collection and something that is totally accurate to the letter.

So without any further delay, I present to you the Pride and Joy of my collection...



Yuk, yuk :p

Did I show you guys a picture of me on a cruise?
Originally posted by saxe coburg@Mar 23 2006, 04:18 PM
I used to carry the same "Pride and Joy" picture in my wallet, back in the late 80's  :D

I still have that Pride and Joy picture in my "other" wallet.. in my trick bag for Magic... Always a good gag.
Originally posted by propcicle@Mar 23 2006, 10:13 PM
Yuk, yuk  :p

Did I show you guys a picture of me on a cruise?


OH MAN... :thumbsup :lol ThATS FUNNY...
Look, I know the question is going to come up so im going to be upfront right now... This is NOT an interest thread and I will NOT be doing a run... and BTW, I better not catch anyone using this photograph without my sole permission. :p

Thank you very much (in my best Elvis Trooper voice)

I'm here every Friday.. don't forget tip your waitress.
I know plenty of people who carry that gag. As a magician you're expected to have lots of corny jokes in your arsenal of material. It kinda goes with the job. :angel :D
Man I love you guys, even with all the crap my soon to be xwife is doing to me you make me laugh.........

Thank you very much.
Look I dont know what you guys find so amusing here but I'm here to tell you.. I'm dead serious about this so quit getting side tracked here and lets discuss. :angel

Oh and another thing.. to all of you in this thread that claim to have or had a photo of my Pride and Joy in you wallet I have one question... Where did you get this?. Up until this point I have never shown my Pride and Joy to anyone so I'm starting to believe there is a recaster out there. This troubles me greatly.
