The Thundarr that almost was- thank God it wasn't

Jet Beetle

Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
I remember when Thundarr the Barbarian first came on the air- I was a pup in Jr High and it was the first cartoon where I started to notice that in Saturday morning cartoon world- swords were only good for breaking boulders, threatening others and picking locks - never never neve never were they to be used to strike another living creature and with that Thundarr lost all potential to me. I know others here love the show, so I figured I'd post this. Check out how they were going to bring back old Thundarr a few years ago

Infinite Hollywood: The Thundarr That Almost Was
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"Whole sects of society left that worshipped boy bands as deity ..."

Ummm...yeah...not what I'm looking for in a post-apocalyptic story line.
That show had a lot of potential but seemed to never make use of it. I'd like a remake but it needs to be made by someone who can handle the material and not turn it into some badly drawn crapfest. I always figured it would make a good show for older teens and adults.
That show had a lot of potential but seemed to never make use of it. I'd like a remake but it needs to be made by someone who can handle the material and not turn it into some badly drawn crapfest. I always figured it would make a good show for older teens and adults.
If anything I'd kind of like to see one done by the folks who did the Justice League show and batman beyond.
I'm a fan of Thundarr (and not ashamed to admit it!), but even I would stay away from that abomination.
You guys do know that the Bruce Timm who's supposed to be working of the next version of Thundarr is the co-creator/producer of

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