well some may have seen my WTB thread going in the junkyard for a while,
WHEW. let me tell ya this has been a long and frustrating struggle to try to find UC LOTR swords.... AT A REASONABLE PRICE.
First off let me state that the prices some of these things go for on EBay is outrageous. Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it right? well Im not willing to pay those prices.......
I decided Initially id just focus on the LE stuff.... like the Museum Collection prices ect...
i first set out to find a MC Glamdring....... WOW these things are rare as hens teeth. .... after being contacted by several people who i would never hear from again, one guy finally seemed consistent and i bought his....... it should be arriving sometime next week....... more on that later when it gets here...... i feel comfortable enough to say that one is "in the bank".....
me being a "sword guy" I MUST have a scabbard for every blade i own... some of my swords/knives have multiple scabbards/sheaths..... anyway, i did a bit of reading and found out the WHITE glamdring scabbard is the most rare, appraently only 600 made or so........ Blades By brown had THREE in stock when i ordered one from them. I received it very promptly and its a GORGEOUS peice of work...
Next up was MC Sting...... not too hard to find....... Kult of Athena had a sale on them for $199.... this seemed like a good price AND its a reliable dealer.... so i bought it..... two days later it dissapeared from their site. SOLD OUT. needless to say i ordered in the nick of time...... apparently getting one of the last ones..... i also picked up the Sting scabbard while i was there.
These two items just arrived today in excellant condtion, VERy well packed...... they are both really nice looking perices...... defiantnly "museum" quality...
My birthday is nearing so i figured something from the UC LOTR lineup would be a good thing for my wife to get me, so i let her pick something out. She favored the Legolas fighting Knives the most..... i looked around a bit and most i found that were "in stock" anywhere were in the $169 and up range.. EACK. a little high..??...... BUT that was until i found BUD K.... they had them on their site for $89..... WOW thats cheap. but i figured id shop around and see if i could find them elsewhere......... two days later they were GONE off their site. SOLD OUT. ....... BUT a few days after that, they showed up again... so i ordered immedtaly... that was two days ago and only TODAY did i find out i DID in fact get a set and they are shipping monday...
BudK also had the legolas scabbards for only $41.. so i snagged them up.... they arrived today.... really purdy. i just wish they made the Lorien scabbards too.
Well so far thats all Ive actually ordered or received yet....... Im really only after two more items: The Shards of Narsil and the Limted Edition Anduril....... both are proving frustrating......
I have been contacted by TWO people about the LE Anduril offering be VERY good low prices, but both people have only given limited communication...........
well this has been a rather long thread and Im sure your wondering what its all about...... i guess irs really about how hard it is posting WTB threads...... and of course LOTR stuff......
anyone having similar issues?
WHEW. let me tell ya this has been a long and frustrating struggle to try to find UC LOTR swords.... AT A REASONABLE PRICE.
First off let me state that the prices some of these things go for on EBay is outrageous. Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it right? well Im not willing to pay those prices.......
I decided Initially id just focus on the LE stuff.... like the Museum Collection prices ect...
i first set out to find a MC Glamdring....... WOW these things are rare as hens teeth. .... after being contacted by several people who i would never hear from again, one guy finally seemed consistent and i bought his....... it should be arriving sometime next week....... more on that later when it gets here...... i feel comfortable enough to say that one is "in the bank".....
me being a "sword guy" I MUST have a scabbard for every blade i own... some of my swords/knives have multiple scabbards/sheaths..... anyway, i did a bit of reading and found out the WHITE glamdring scabbard is the most rare, appraently only 600 made or so........ Blades By brown had THREE in stock when i ordered one from them. I received it very promptly and its a GORGEOUS peice of work...
Next up was MC Sting...... not too hard to find....... Kult of Athena had a sale on them for $199.... this seemed like a good price AND its a reliable dealer.... so i bought it..... two days later it dissapeared from their site. SOLD OUT. needless to say i ordered in the nick of time...... apparently getting one of the last ones..... i also picked up the Sting scabbard while i was there.
These two items just arrived today in excellant condtion, VERy well packed...... they are both really nice looking perices...... defiantnly "museum" quality...
My birthday is nearing so i figured something from the UC LOTR lineup would be a good thing for my wife to get me, so i let her pick something out. She favored the Legolas fighting Knives the most..... i looked around a bit and most i found that were "in stock" anywhere were in the $169 and up range.. EACK. a little high..??...... BUT that was until i found BUD K.... they had them on their site for $89..... WOW thats cheap. but i figured id shop around and see if i could find them elsewhere......... two days later they were GONE off their site. SOLD OUT. ....... BUT a few days after that, they showed up again... so i ordered immedtaly... that was two days ago and only TODAY did i find out i DID in fact get a set and they are shipping monday...
BudK also had the legolas scabbards for only $41.. so i snagged them up.... they arrived today.... really purdy. i just wish they made the Lorien scabbards too.
Well so far thats all Ive actually ordered or received yet....... Im really only after two more items: The Shards of Narsil and the Limted Edition Anduril....... both are proving frustrating......
I have been contacted by TWO people about the LE Anduril offering be VERY good low prices, but both people have only given limited communication...........
well this has been a rather long thread and Im sure your wondering what its all about...... i guess irs really about how hard it is posting WTB threads...... and of course LOTR stuff......
anyone having similar issues?