The Prophecy Angel Bible


New Member
Gonna tackle this item and CANNOT find a copy of The Prophecy 1 or 2 anywhere around me. Nope not even in the rental video stores. Anyone have these movies that could grab some screen caps?
I know they have Prophecy 1 and most of the sequels at the Fry's near me. I can pick it up and send it to you if you need it. Just PM me.

They also have it at Amazon for $8.99.
Gonna tackle this item and CANNOT find a copy of The Prophecy 1 or 2 anywhere around me. Nope not even in the rental video stores. Anyone have these movies that could grab some screen caps?
I have the OT of that series, so I can probably get you some caps (by tomorrow or the next day). To be clear, exactly what book are you referring to? Is it the diary-type book that Thomas was writing in (with the Angelic Script, etc), or is there a different book that I'm not remembering?

That movie rocks, by the way! I mean Christopher Walken as the Archangel Gabriel and Viggo Mortensen as Lucifer? What's not to like? :)

That movie rocks, by the way! I mean Christopher Walken as the Archangel Gabriel and Viggo Mortensen as Lucifer? What's not to like? :)

Agreed! Bloody love this film...The second and third were, um...not so good. I'll try grab some caps for you a little later if I can.
To be clear, exactly what book are you referring to? Is it the diary-type book that Thomas was writing in (with the Angelic Script, etc), or is there a different book that I'm not remembering?

The bible the angels carried with the 23 chapter of Revelations. Would be greatly appreciated. Thanks All.
Cool prop.
This is one of my favorite films with Christopher and the brief role of Satan played by
Viggo Mortensen.
I use the term "talking monkeys" quite bit.