The Official Boycott Star Wars Bluray thread


Sr Member
**** you george, just because. thanks for curing me of my star wars problem. i am no longer gonna buy ANY new or old star wars item. i have the original dvds as well as original bootleg versions of the OT which i will cherish until troopers come and take it from my cold-dead hands. i dont want to kill you george, i just want to beat you real bad.
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Done. Wish I didn't have this huge, expensively framed poster of the newly ruined ROTJ poster on my living room wall. :unsure
Can you honestly say this doesn't upset you at all? And yes, I know a boycott is pointless. Still.

As long as it doesn't end up a technical botch job like the DVD was, not one iota upset. I never bought a DVD set.

Sorry, you can not argue with Artistic choices. It's not your sandbox.

Play or get out of the box. Make room for the rest of us and the newbies.

If find a ton of the people that love the Prequels as their Star Wars, to be just awesome.

They are me and my friends 30 years ago.
You guys don't understand... George always intended Vader to yell "no" when tossing the Emperor down the shaft.. It's just that the technology didn't exist in the early 1980s to do it justice.... :behave
OMFG!! That is my fav scene in the entire trilogy. SO MUCH is being said without anything be said at all. I'm going to start a damn riot or something if this is real.
Play or get out of the box. Make room for the rest of us and the newbies.

Huh. I didn't realize that my disagreement with Lucas's constant fiddling with his movies was causing someone to get left out. I'll gladly stand aside and let someone else in. :rolleyes
JD and micdavis, I literally can't wrap my head around how you aren't bothered. You love the movies, but you're ok with them being changed all the time?! And then mic, you act like people who are upset are LESS fans than you are? Because we're bothered that something we love is being altered? How are we LESS fans? If anything, I can't understand how a true fan ISN'T outraged. I hope Lucas's level of hell includes boiling Nazi bukake, if that "no" is true.
I'm not going to get worked up about it until I see it with my own eyes. A clip with a sound byte doesn't prove it for me. I wouldn't put it past George to do this but at this point it's just a rumor.