Ok guys lets make it happen....If you find any pictures etc of the ex wife missle from Ironman 2 post up some pics so we can start building these for all of our prop collections...
A big thank you to thoes in advance that are willing to share and help others out.
It wasn't 'a problem' when District 9 came out and it wasn't earlier. It stikes me as odd that a BOOTLEG forum is banning pics like this, but hey, that's just me.
It wasn't 'a problem' when District 9 came out and it wasn't earlier. It stikes me as odd that a BOOTLEG forum is banning pics like this, but hey, that's just me.
illicit content at no time had been allowed on the RPF.
I may remind all of you of the situation that the RPF had to face when images made it onto the forum that were exclusive content to the Lucasfilm-owned "Star Wars Hyperspace"- website.
If you see the RPF as a "bootleg"-forum, then that is "just you" as well.
The blatant braggardism with how some members promote that they have "screencaps" of the most recent movies, and the (immature) fights and the flaming that this caused, makes it obviously necessary to be more restrictive with this issue.
The fact that this wasn´t moderated in the past does not warrant a right for future cases.
In the past it also was not an issue if you had to wait a few weeks for a dvd to come out to get the best possible reference. And this wasn´t that long ago.
So, please try to work with what is out there on the web legally without resorting to illegal activities.
morral of the story is we have to wait guys...because there is not one image on the web right now...I know because i spent like 4 hours looking last night...sigh...o well on to other projects.
I was thinking about contacting Russell Bobbitt, the propmaster of the film. He has shown off a number of props from the movie at various events and I would guess that he is responsible for making the missile as well.