The Hero of Time: Link Showoff *pics added, front*


Master Member
Well, I don't know how many of you guys play video games or not... But this is a character and a series that I have enjoyed for a very long time!

Everything is made 100% by my own hand. Boots, tunics, wig, ears, shield, sword/sheath, leather.
Feel free to ask questions...
I'll have more pictures coming a little later :)



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Re: The Hero of Time: Link Showoff

Well, awesome work!
What else I could say?:)

Have you already posted this pic on
I'm sure they will love it like the other costumes you've made
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Re: The Hero of Time: Link Showoff

Looking good! I'm all for more pictures too.

What did you make the shield out of?
Re: The Hero of Time: Link Showoff

maybe it's my monitor, but it's a little dark for me.

and I want a fairy in there...


seriously though, sweet freaking costume.
Re: The Hero of Time: Link Showoff

Wow guys, thanks for the response!
The above pic was edited by myself... I wanted it to look like it was getting dark as it is called. "Sleeping as the Twilight Falls."

The rest of the pics are being 'processed' by my photographer.

Ramiel, it's posted ;)
LizardJedi, various materials... but primarily wood and bondo (alittle foam and fiberglass as well).
Adam, LOL... that's awesome! We actually took some pictures specifically to place 'fairies' in there ;)

Again they'll come later... I just hope my photo guy doesn't procrastinate :lol
Re: The Hero of Time: Link Showoff

I can't wait to see more pictures... btw, I'm not trying to be critical or anything, but I picture twilight more of a blu-ish color.


Sorry for derailing your thread some what. These pictures got me kinda giddy. I would love to see Link set in a LotRs sorta world - real life style.
Re: The Hero of Time: Link Showoff

Yeah Adam... me too... me too..
And no, your input is helpful... I might use bluer tones in the shots to come :)

Pat, yes.... yes you do haha.
Re: The Hero of Time: Link Showoff

That's a costume I've wanted to do for a while. You've certainly set the bar high.
Re: The Hero of Time: Link Showoff

Fantastic lookin' costume! It's funny, it may just be quality of the photo and effects, but it almost looks like CG! :lol

Amazing though! I too would love to see more photos! How did you do the chain maille trim on his tunic? I would also love to see close up photos of the sword and shield.

Thanks for sharing should be proud to show that off!!
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Re: The Hero of Time: Link Showoff

That looks awesome! I love your little smirk too.
Re: The Hero of Time: Link Showoff

Thanks again guys.... just got this one in as well. My photographer just decided what sort of filters he wanted to use on the pictures... that's why it's taking so long, but here is this :lol
A bit more detail for ya... pictures with ZELDA will be coming shortly hereafter
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