Well-Known Member
Dose anyone know anything about the planet killer model?
well it had to exist didn't it?
AS I remember from somewhere, It was aluminum foil on a framwork and painted.
In the new book "Star Trek 365" they say that it was a windsock dipped in concrete. Not sure I believe it; it does look like aluminum foil.
Here is a pic of a replica that someone made. It looks darn good! Too bad there is no video of the light effect.
The Doomsday Machine | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
In the new book "Star Trek 365" they say that it was a windsock dipped in concrete. Not sure I believe it; it does look like aluminum foil.
Here is the quote:
"The writer was surprised when he saw the aired episode. Why he wondered, did the planet killer took less like a high-tech insanely powerful berserker than an wind sock dipped in cement?
"Ran out of money" Roddenberry apologized. Spinrad had a good eye: The planet killer was a wind sock that had been dipped in cement."