The Doomsday Machine

I believe I read once it was an actual windsock used as the framework.

EDIT, someone said it looked like that a wind sock dipped in cement. LOL
AS I remember from somewhere, It was aluminum foil on a framwork and painted.

That makes sense. Alum. foil was a staple material for the budget-starved prop dept. back then. The lizard head/rock face in "The Apple" was made the same way.
In the new book "Star Trek 365" they say that it was a windsock dipped in concrete. Not sure I believe it; it does look like aluminum foil.

Here is the quote:
"The writer was surprised when he saw the aired episode. Why he wondered, did the planet killer took less like a high-tech insanely powerful berserker than an wind sock dipped in cement?
"Ran out of money" Roddenberry apologized. Spinrad had a good eye: The planet killer was a wind sock that had been dipped in cement."
I always thought it resembled a turd(and this from a Trekkie, who thinks that was one of the best episodes of TOS).

There really isn't very much on the models of STTOS. That was always my biggest disappointment with the fan stuff that came out over the years(the fan drawings don't count). Not even a decent pic of any of the SSM from TOS. It was only with the internet that some info came out about those models. When I made NOMAD I had to use screen caps from the show, since I made it(2005) I have only seen two photos of the prop. I would think there would be even less on the Doomsday Machine.

Lets hope somebody has something.
In the new book "Star Trek 365" they say that it was a windsock dipped in concrete. Not sure I believe it; it does look like aluminum foil.

I have no reason to doubt the book. Cloth material dipped in concrete and allowed to dry would resemble aluminum foil, come to think of it.
To make a model with real presence in my view would need an intense lighting effect on the inside. Some kind of rotational effect to get that crazy dancing energy look. That would put it over the top.
"The Tholian Web" won an FX Emmy, I don't don't know about Doomsday though. Great episode, and the model was very effective. It would be a cool build subject, with a rotating moire for the light effect.
In the new book "Star Trek 365" they say that it was a windsock dipped in concrete. Not sure I believe it; it does look like aluminum foil.

Here is the quote:
"The writer was surprised when he saw the aired episode. Why he wondered, did the planet killer took less like a high-tech insanely powerful berserker than an wind sock dipped in cement?
"Ran out of money" Roddenberry apologized. Spinrad had a good eye: The planet killer was a wind sock that had been dipped in cement."

Knowing about Matt Jeffries' love (and ownership) of airplanes, I believe it. And it could have been plaster or some form of gunnite instead of common (sidewalk) cement.

can any of you masters here make and post a graphic that could be printed to use inside the dooms day machine...aprox 6-7" dia.....I am wanting to make a model but need the graphic and can not find any quality pix to use!!