The costumes you never see!


Sr Member
Heya people!

Heres a thread to honor the poor movie characters that noone bases their costumes after:

The first I come to think of is the Hovitos from Raiders. Perhaps the Beatles hairdoo and thong sounds hot but maybe it isnt a great match after all. The costume wouldnt be expensive though, right?

Please add characters that noone imitates!

You'd be surprised how difficult it is to get a totally screen accurate Hovitos bow. Those things have to be hand made in Peru you know.

And don't forget the tanning, hours and hours of tanning.

Also, when I read the thread title then saw the picture I thought "Oooooh, you never see them cuz they're so far up their..."
LOL I understand what you mean about the title...

Actually I wonder how many would notice the bow if someone dressed up like that? :confused
I notice there's no Ugnaughts or Gungans. What about the robot from Logan's Run? Or Lincoln? That's it, I'm going to a con as Abe Lincoln.
Well I think its really cool and would definately be impressed. Seriously thats the first person Id go to and talk about the costume!