TDK - Joker Tie?


New Member
Hi All!

I am looking to assemble an accurate Joker Costume.

Would I be correct in thinking that this is the original tie used in the film?

Turnbull & Asser

They certainly seem to allude to this in the description.

Thanks! :)
It is :)

Turnbull & Asser Joker tie

Although if you want a GREAT joker tie for a costume I would highly recommend Indy Magnoli's version. Very accurate and way less exepensive than the original T&A model.
Thanks for the reply.

I have fallen in love with original after looking at it now!

In the interest of accuracy I may have to purchase :)
The tie pictured above is mine and I purchased it from a fellow RPF member who previously lent it to Indy Magnoli as a reference for his own replica.

So rest assured the Magnoli Clothiers tie is a faithful reproduction.

Depends on how much you're willing to spend :thumbsup
I am sure it is a great replica.........but you cannot beat the real thing!


Thanks for your help!
The only thing I'd add about the magnoli tie, is although it is beautiful yes and faithfully reproduced, he DID change the color-scheme to match post-production color palettes from TDK. So it doesn't match the original in color.

I believe someone was selling a T&A tie in the junkyard/ebay a couple weeks back.