Tarantino guns


Master Member
Any gun experts know which guns were used in:

Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill

Just the handguns used by the main characters please :)
IIRC, the Dogs pistols were S&W 5946 or similar... no clue on Kill Bill... in Pulp Fiction, Vince had a 1911 as in the above link...

EDIT - Lawgiver beat me to Jules' gun... :lol
how bout the shoulder holsters

i went to an army surplus store to check out what they had but nothing matched does anyone else have an idea on that
In Reservoir Dogs, I believe Mr. Blonde was the only one to wear a shoulder rig... a black nylon one, IIRC.
Check out DeSantis and Bianchi - they might very well offer a correct model.
Bill shoots at Beatrix with a Peacemaker in Vol. 2... Bud uses a double-barelled shotgun to blast her with rock salt earlier in the film. Not sure who made it. Bruce Willis shoots Vincent with a suppressed ("silenced") MAC 10 in Pulp Fiction (could be an Ingram M11... not sure).
Now then, are the 1911A1 ACP or Star B 9mm available in Airsoft or metal/plastic replicas? Chromed or otherwise? Would be nice to even get plain plastic one and have it chromed.

And are pearl grips available for these?
I know it is not chrome, but it is a model 1911 .45


Is that the right pistol? It's not listed as 1911A1, just 1911.

I'm not having any luck finding the Star ModelB 9mm, but I'm a long way from giving up. I would really perfer to find that one since it is so prominent in the Epilogue scene.

... and Mr. 9mm here is the shepard protecting my rightous @$$ in the Valley of Darkness...

I would love to have that pistol on a shelf with the BMF Wallet and a coffe cup :D
Groovy. Now anyone know about the pearl grips :)

Originally posted by RedTwoX@Mar 10 2006, 06:06 PM
I know it is not chrome, but it is a model 1911 .45


Is that the right pistol?  It's not listed as 1911A1, just 1911.

I'm not having any luck finding the Star ModelB 9mm, but I'm a long way from giving up.  I would really perfer to find that one since it is so prominent in the Epilogue scene.

... and Mr. 9mm here is the shepard protecting my rightous @$$ in the Valley of Darkness...

I would love to have that pistol on a shelf with the BMF Wallet and a coffe cup  :D
Originally posted by Prop-Maker@Mar 10 2006, 03:28 AM
Bill shoots at Beatrix with a Peacemaker in Vol. 2...
Nope. Its a Ruger Birds Head Vaquero

It's pretty...
And? Essentially, it's still a Peacemaker. Same style, same frame, both single action. Only difference is a shorter barrel and smaller handle. Still got the heart of a Peacemaker.