Active Member
What a disaponitment this channel has become. I don't know who is in charge over there but they have their head up their butt. They have taken a perfect situation and reuined it. Their original programs and moives suck and now wrestling?? :confused I thought I would be seeing reruns of ALL the classic sifi shows of the past but no I get really bad movies and freaking ghost shows. Who wouldn't want to see Space 1999 or UFO how about Star Trek TOS? the list would get long. Friday night is a historicaly bad TV night so why not replay BGS (the new one) from the begining? Not to mention the huge pile of films they could be showing. Last night I watched Ferocious planet just because Joe Flanigan was in it. This movie SUCKED I would have rather have watched something like Forbiden planet. When Stargate Universe ends I will have no reason to watch syfy channel again.