SY-FY's Mega Piranha, anyone see this thing? (spoilers! for those who care).


Sr Member
Anyone bother watching this movie saturday?

I sat and watched it sunday (DVR). Yet another really hoaky sy fy original.

I had to laugh as I watched it too. The solders that all plunged into the
ocean at the end with their special under water rifles, all of the guns
were just Nerf Longshot rifles painted black. They didn't bother to modify them
or even remove the Nerf logo's at all.

That's just good stuff right there......

The final outcome was just stupid too. Let them all eat themselves in a
final feeding freanzy? Then the movie was over.

What? Ummm, there had to be at least one of them left at the end as I
am sure he didn't eat himself.

Crazy stuff.............
I turned it off about 5 minutes in, when I saw that hand drawn fish, jump out of the river.

As for a lone survivor, maybe he was bitten a few times and mortally wounded, so he died like the others. Unless, of course, you WANT there to be a sequel :sick.

They're not even pretending to be serious anymore. With this and that Giant Shark vs. Giant Octopus (also starring an 80's teen pop star, though one that time has been better to), they've just gone and said, "okay, we know these suck, so let's see how bad we can make them!"

This made SS Doomtrooper look like Metropolis. Although I AM hoping for a movie with BOTH Tiffany and Debbie Gibson in it, and they both survive, their clothes all but gone, they look at the remains of the big bad, and gaze longingly into each others eyes, leaning closer and closer to each other...This would all take place within the first 10 minutes of the movie mind you.
You can get most of that already - they've both done the playboy route, for artistic reasons, of course.
Flying, exploding Kamikaze giant pirahnas???? Did anyone even think for one second that this would be even a teeny bit good? My son and I got a good laugh out of the one fish that didn't explode stuck head first in the top of a building for around 10 minutes!!!

I mean, I like cheese, but they're not even trying any more!

If you think this was a no brainer, wait for the next one from Rodger Corman this fall.

Sharktopus, Half Shark, half octopus. I kid you not. Look it up.

Seriously, who gives these people money to even make these things? I am sure over half
the people here could do far better than these films. I know I could. Eyes closed too.