After watching Top Gun when it first came out, I wanted to be a pilot so bad. I think Star Wars was obviously the 1st to plant the seed though. Literally, that movie propelled my thoughts as I geared high school to be a quest to join a military academy. Because of my teeth being so bad I was told that the Navy and Airforce would be a waste of time for me so I pursued West Point. Anyways, it amazes me to this day how a show or movie could have such an influence on a young mind, for good or for bad, which is even more of reason parents have to be very careful and the messaging of movies that would appeal to the youth, should be carefully thought about before producing.
In hind sight...I would have never made it as a pilot. I HATE AIRPLANES. You have to tranquilize me like Mr.T on the A- team to get me on, so hats off to you Halliwax!! That's awesome.
I flew twice a week for about 6 years.. my flight instructor became a good friend of mine
He ended up having a stroke which he ended up not being able to fly anymore
So… I would take him up in his plane so he could still fly
With his age, and health he had to end up selling the plane.. I tried buying it, but I could not afford the upkeep.. depending on what aircraft it is..
If it were a experimental plane I could do the work on it myself, but the they his is registered a licensed aircraft mechanic is the only one allowed to work on it
I was detained (not arrested, not charged, but detained) but security at the air port one day for going under his plane and glueing a weather gasket back onto it..
He had to pay a fine and everything.. you can’t touch a damn thing..
If I could afford the routine maintain on that piper I would own it today…
My fabrication buddy, I’ve shared pictures of his shop before.. he wanted to learn how to fly.. we built a kitfox in his basement.. 2 years to build, 1 season of flying together.. we were flipping it up at the pump truck one morning.. a fellow pilot was in line waiting.. made him a offer and sold it right then and there
I am destine to never fly lol every chance I keep losing the plane..