I have only been watching Survivor a couple of seasons because Mirax loves it... and in my mind, Russel was made for this game which is not a game of honor (as Coach would pretend to play it) but a game of pure manipulation and self-interest. I don't think Russel will make it to the end, but whether he does or not, he has shown that deviousness and the ability to manipulate sets you apart as a leader, a mover and a shaker in this game. His only failing, if any is that a master of this game can manipulate without the person knowing they have been manipulated... which in my opinion is why he lost last season.
There are others who will make it far in the game... perhaps further than Russel, but they are mere pawns in the greater scheme and aren't actually playing the game.. they are just hovering in the background, hoping attention doesn't get turned on them.
It is interesting to me how much Rob was built up as a great player, because it seemed to me he road through this season on his reputation alone, and didn't really make any big or meaningful moves. While it was edited as a big showdown between Rob and Russel, in my mind, Rob never had a chance and only a fluke would have sent Russel packing first.