Support Judge Dredd on Fourth Plinth 20th September!


Well-Known Member
Squaxx dek Thargo Andy Grannell is going to appear on the Fourth Plinth at Trafalgar Square in London this Sunday (20th September) from 8am-9am.

He is planning to support his favourite charity (Dogs for the Disabled) and proclaim his love for 2000AD. To help him achieve this Rebellion are lending him a Termight Replicas helmet and I will supply him with the rest of the uniform.

I can't make it to Trafalgar Square myself, but I think it would be great if as many Squaxx as possible do try to get there to show their support. Wear a 2000AD t-shirt, a Dredd buckle or badge if you have one, or even a complete 2000AD/Judge Dredd costume. The more the merrier. As it is, Andy may be getting some TV coverage, and if the audience contained a significant number of visible fans, it could really turn it into something special.

Please spread the word and show your support or pledge to watch on Andy's plinther page.
