Superman: The Movie (1978)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
was just wondering if anyone has the superman paper prop that was offered up here for a free download, I think, last year. It was the Christopher Reeve photo booth pics. I can't remember who was offering them for everyone but I never got mine. If anybody has them or can help me out, (if it's no hassle), I would very much appreciate it as they are a great little addition to any prop room.
Cheers, Todd.:)
Re: superman paper prop

I'm sure I have it, just send me a PM with your e-mail address, and I'll get them out to you tomorrow.
While on superman
Can Anyone Do this For me thanks i have the daily planet logo just need the writing Thanks

Clark Kent/Superman Photobooth

I can't remember who originated this one, but apparently, I'm one of the few who have had it for a while, since I've been fielding the requests for it for the last several years.
How's this?

Re: Clark Kent/Superman Photobooth

I can't remember who originated this one, but apparently, I'm one of the few who have had it for a while, since I've been fielding the requests for it for the last several years.

Thats me.

Hope you like it.


I actually incorporated the image from the photo booth into a picture of the boy and Superman outside the booth for Aaron (the former boy) to sign at conventions). Aaron was also the toddler Clark Kent who climbs form the ship and lifts the truck.

I did ask permission from the image originator. THANKS AGAIN!
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I just have to share this. I will be meeting with Aaron Smolinski's parents next Tuesday evening to scan his personal pictures from the filming of Superman (Toddler Clark Kent who lifts the truck) and Superman III (he was the boy by the photo booth and mother was his actual mom).

Unless it has been misplaced Aaron says they still have the photo from the photo booth (the ripped one that Chris Reeve handed him) so I will be scanning it! :) Should be a fun evening hearing stories and seeing the pictures. If Aaron gives me the OK I will share it here. :)
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i just have to share this. I will be meeting with aaron smolinski's parents next tuesday evening to scan his personal pictures from the filming of superman (tollder clark kent who lifts the truck) and superman iii (he was the boy by the photo booth and mother was his actual mom).

Unless it has been misplaced aaron says they still have the photo from the photo booth so i will be scanning it! :) should be a fun evening hearing stories and seeing the pictures. If aaron gives me the ok i will share it here. :)

oh!!! Please do share!!!

Well, I am the one who made the photo booth photo, and no one asked my permission, but it is okay, I made it to share it for free so........the bad thing is that I saw it on the net, on several stores, and, well, I know wich one is mine, hahah, anyway, enjoy, and Ill love to see the original.


Well, I am the one who made the photo booth photo, and no one asked my permission, but it is okay, I made it to share it for free so........the bad thing is that I saw it on the net, on several stores, and, well, I know wich one is mine, hahah, anyway, enjoy, and Ill love to see the original.



I know I did not share the image anywhere..except for implementing it onto Aaron's autograph picture, and I did ask for permission for that. :(
Hey, its okay, honestly, I do not remember, or have it on my pms, anyway, I wasnt pointing at you for sharing in, please dont get me wrong, I was just saying that, like pretty much all of the guys arround the paper prop forum, that suff goes for free and they end up on the net, for sale.

Anyway, if you asked, I dont remember, and I am sorry, good job with it anyway.


It's all good. :)

Food for thought tho...if I do share the real scanned prop...I hate for it to be on ebay making some thief lots of money. Of course I do plan to use that on Aaron's picture for signing. :)