ive gotten the temp design, and i have to admit its damned pretty.
i am somewhat hesistant to slice a little more off in the hopes of getting more facets though. the design looks terrific, and from the wireframe rotation, i think the light is going to shine beautifully through the crystal.
im not 10000% happy with the design, but i think its as good as it will get, and if i end up with a crystal made off this design then i am a happy man
best part? its a hell of a lot safer than the megacrystal was :lol
it looks great, and since we have an electronic version of the crystal drawing we can mod it to be bigger/smaller/thinner in case the second prototype for some reason just doesnt work out.
:thumbsup JSA, i appreciate the help, and i know the rest of the superman fans on the board do as well.
thanks man.