Superman Returns chest emblem


Master Member
I know this will come down the pike EVENTUALLY, but I'm curious to see if anyone has anything cooking. The overall emblem would probably be no problem for some of the boards more talented sculptors to put together, but the tricky part will be getting all of the little tiny "S"s working perfectly within the sculpt.

I figure a casting will slip out eventually, and then everyone can have one, but until then, what is a brother to do???

If this is better suited for the costuming forum, please don't hesitate to move it.
I know of several who have either sculpted their own or more recently, converted one of the available toys... another guy on this board has contacted a company and posted a test shot of his laser etched emblem.
Though it's not a sculpture, I am offering Superman Returns vinyl decals. I've had a thread in the Junkyard for a few days offering them.

You can see them HERE.


Fetthunter, I beleive that officially constitutes hijacking... :)

Good info though. They look really nice.

Batdemon, which toys have the emblem available? I assume they had to resize it?? More info if you have it, or links.
The one a lot of people are using from the toys is the Superman "Shield Blaster" water gun. The "S" is the shield part of the toy and measures 10.5" wide by 7" high which looks pretty close to being actual size. It's a nice sculpt of the "S" but it is missing the "little s's" texture.

-B89. :D
<div class='quotetop'>(MattMunson @ Jun 8 2006, 04:41 PM) [snapback]1258457[/snapback]</div>
Sounds great. Please keep us posted. is this to be a fan sculpt?

Yes I am sculpting it for my costume I'm making. If all turns out well I will offer castings. I'll post pics later when the sculpt is finished.
<div class='quotetop'>(MattMunson @ Jun 8 2006, 04:21 PM) [snapback]1258611[/snapback]</div>
Beeb, that's great information. thanks for sharing that. I just might have to pick one of those up.

If you intend on doing it right, don't forget about the texture.

Beeb beat me to the info...and Sal is correct, both on LOH & BOTB people have posted what to do with the watergun. Pretty much costists of cutting it off and molding to run something more flexible...I and others have mentioned theere is another toy that has the symbols it what looks to be the correct scale (some action fists or somesuch), a texture stamp could be taken off that for the enterprising person that wants to take a clay pull formt he watergun. some reworkinf of the texture would most likely be inorder, ther spacing looks too wide when compared to the real thing. Until the Rubies bag costumes hit the stores for Halloween, this is one of the easier methids I can think of.....The rubies costumes look crappy, but the shield and belt look decent from the promo pics (if those make it to market like that)
I know that someone here on the board has 100% perfect digital files replicating the symbol in 3D, but I'm also about 100% sure they aren't going to be handing them out or using them themselves to replicate the symbol, unfortunately.
Sounds totally cool. I read somewhere yesterday that the belts are now falling into collectors hands, or castings of the screen used belts, i should say.

It's all just a matter of time, I guess. Still, thanks for all the tips and pointers guys.