Suits you, sir!


Well-Known Member
Well, the new season has started filming, and a new suit for the Doctor has been unveiled.


Here's the rest of the pics.

Note the new red/burgundy Converse hi-tops. These, I'm pretty sure:

I was going to post this yesterday...gah. Not digging the blue with brown pinstripes...

Thankfully spy pictures have shown the brown suit still.
The more I look at it, the more I think "that's some nasty cheap fabric".
It looks to be the same pattern as the brown and blue suit, this is just a reversed color scheme. I dont think I like it as much, but I dont hate it lol.
Really don't care much for it. Too much blue with the Police Box. But well, it'll probably end up being one of those things that grow on you and end up not really caring about either way. Just feels a bit 'Superman' with all that blue and red shoes too.
Don't mind the colours but that fabric does just look sooooooo cheap.

Hopefully it's some prototype and will be changed for filming.
Just had word from a friend whose been filming as an extra on the set, yes indeed this is the new suit used in the third series, and it does look a bit cheap.

He says:

I can confirm the following, having stood right along Dr Tennant on set for some time (BTW, he's very... stand-offish Didn't mix with any of the crew or other cast and there were stories about extras being told off for speaking to him... but that's another story)

Anyway, the suit looks very thin and wrinkled, although not in a fashionable linen way. It is a medium blue, thin fit jacket and trousers with thin brown stripes . Top left breast pocket is buttoned 'safari style', while bottom two are normal flaps. Yes, the new shoes are red Converse and he's wearing a light blue shirt and non-descript red patterned tie.

The new girl looked very professional in her white dr's coat. Should prove interesting conversations in the TARDIS: "Dr?' "Yes, Dr"...
Well the brown suit also wrinkled quite easily, and the pattern hasn't changed. As far as Spy pictures show he's also wearing the brown costume in 3x01, so hopefully its just an alternate.
<div class='quotetop'>(Sidewinder @ Aug 18 2006, 09:53 AM) [snapback]1302941[/snapback]</div>
That pic and you're checking the FABRIC??

Sexy assistants must continue..


Well, your idea of sexy assistant is different from mine... you enjoy her while I enjoy Captain Jack and Mickey :D

*goes to pause Rise of the Cybermen again*