SuckerPunch Colt 1911


Well-Known Member
I bet there's been a few of these posted before, but I'd like to show you my take on Babydoll's Colt 1911 from SuckerPunch.

I found a cheap airsoft replica that I spraypainted silvermetal, not the EXACT model, but close enough when you're on a budget. The black plastic grips were removed and replace with wooden grips (with the correct double diamond) from ebay. I then drilled holes in them, filled them with epoxy putty and sculpted the cherry medallions.

I got the decals from RPF member epilepticsquirl

Very nice and very cheap! Highly recommended. He even bothered to write a detailed description of how to apply them AND post a youtube vid if you still didn't understand how. Great guy.

I bought the charms on etsy

Also really nice work, and I've seen these charms sell for double on ebay.

Hope you like it :)

original black gun
Wooden grips


Gun with decals




finished gun with charms
Cool. I'm doing one of these. I like the DD grips. oiiseau5 on Etsy does nice charms too...great value. You gonna do the trigger black?
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Ah, I thought the trigger was silver too, looked like it in the 'Art of book'. I think I can remove the silverpaint pretty easily from that part though.
Seeralou - Thank you! Remember to post pics when you start your project I'd love to see how it turn out!

Epilepticsquirl - Thanks! I bought a pair really cheap about ($20 with free shipping) from a seller in Thailand, I had to flie them down a bit for them to fit, but they are really nice. I did the cherry medallions too small, but I was limited to the size of the drill I have.
i will indeed :) ordering my Airsoft pistol to use today. Just need to find a holster now! Hopefully will get it all sorted in time for the film&comic con in london :)
How many times did you coat the paint? Does it scratch easily? I painted mine and it scratches horribly :(
TRisely- Are you painting a metal or plastic gun? If plastic, try to get some Krylon fusion paint. Let it dry a couple days before handling it so it bonds to the plastic, then put a coat of clearcoat, then the decals, then another clearcoat.

I use Krylon when repainting Airsoft for others and it gets tougher every day. If possible the best bet is to leave it to sure for a month before doing anything, after that the stuff is hard as a rock. But who has the patience for that? :lol
That looks great! Awesome job. I'm definitely sharing this thread with my friend who's wanting to do Babydoll. Thanks! :)
Thanks! :)

I think I spent a total of $200 on it. Can definitely be done cheaper if you can make the charms yourself. Shipping to Denmark also ate much of my budget. I'd say you can make one for $100 if you're in the US.
Thanks for the advice guys! Unfortunately I couldn't find any Krylon in shops (Can't order off the internet at the moment :confused) so I bought some PlastiKote.

It's supposed to be one of the best so I trust it. I've coated it about 3 or 4 times, but it's mighty uneven (due to a failed painting attempt at black :lol). I think i'll sand it down evenly, do one more coat, then do what TallDarkandDisfigured said. :D
If you make larger cherry medallions for grips lemme know... planning on snagging some to mold n cast in metal.

I bet there's been a few of these posted before, but I'd like to show you my take on Babydoll's Colt 1911 from SuckerPunch.

I found a cheap airsoft replica that I spraypainted silvermetal, not the EXACT model, but close enough when you're on a budget. The black plastic grips were removed and replace with wooden grips (with the correct double diamond) from ebay. I then drilled holes in them, filled them with epoxy putty and sculpted the cherry medallions.

I got the decals from RPF member epilepticsquirl

Very nice and very cheap! Highly recommended. He even bothered to write a detailed description of how to apply them AND post a youtube vid if you still didn't understand how. Great guy.

I bought the charms on etsy

Also really nice work, and I've seen these charms sell for double on ebay.

Hope you like it :) original black gun Decals Wooden grips
Gun with decals
finished gun with charms