Well-Known Member
I bet there's been a few of these posted before, but I'd like to show you my take on Babydoll's Colt 1911 from SuckerPunch.
I found a cheap airsoft replica that I spraypainted silvermetal, not the EXACT model, but close enough when you're on a budget. The black plastic grips were removed and replace with wooden grips (with the correct double diamond) from ebay. I then drilled holes in them, filled them with epoxy putty and sculpted the cherry medallions.
I got the decals from RPF member epilepticsquirl
Very nice and very cheap! Highly recommended. He even bothered to write a detailed description of how to apply them AND post a youtube vid if you still didn't understand how. Great guy.
I bought the charms on etsy
Also really nice work, and I've seen these charms sell for double on ebay.
Hope you like it
original black gun
Wooden grips
Gun with decals
finished gun with charms
I found a cheap airsoft replica that I spraypainted silvermetal, not the EXACT model, but close enough when you're on a budget. The black plastic grips were removed and replace with wooden grips (with the correct double diamond) from ebay. I then drilled holes in them, filled them with epoxy putty and sculpted the cherry medallions.
I got the decals from RPF member epilepticsquirl
Very nice and very cheap! Highly recommended. He even bothered to write a detailed description of how to apply them AND post a youtube vid if you still didn't understand how. Great guy.
I bought the charms on etsy
Also really nice work, and I've seen these charms sell for double on ebay.
Hope you like it
Gun with decals
finished gun with charms