Styrofoam- Smooth and Paint


Well-Known Member
I need a smooth surface. Regular Krylon Primer Paint eats the foam, so Primers a No Go.

The final sculpt is going to be nearly 2 feet in size, and my budget for it is small.

What can I use to get a nice smooth surface, and what is the best paint to use? I will be wearing this on my head so I'm also shooting for nontoxic if possible.
Try using a base of white glue. Elmer's or off brand will do. Cut it down a little with water and brush or spray on. Let dry and you can paint the foam with any type paint.

Any sort of cheap wood glue diluted as gobler said. I also find adding a little dishwashing liquid breaks up the surface tension and makes it easier to paint on. Oh and add a few drops of acrylic pain to tint the mixture as its hard to see what you're doing as glue is clear.