Larry Young
Master Member
There was a criticism going on about TRON how people were claiming to be lifelong fans but not talking about it, and so were accused of being bandwagon-jumpers after the movie came out. I thought that was mildly unfair, because who talks a lot about things they love all the time and with the same emphasis? I mean, I assume folks know I like spacesuits and Scotch, because I won't shut up about either, and folks reading closely know I'm not afraid of a little sharpness in tone if I think somebody somewhere will laugh at it. But do you know I've always loved Green Hornet, since his appearance on the Adam West Batman? And even moreso as an adult, because he's the only publisher/superhero.
So I'll probably be insufferable when Green Hornet comes out, knowing the character as I do; just an FYI.
Also, I love love love John Carter, Warlord of Mars. So in 2012 (assuming the world's still here), people will probably be sick of me talking about that one. Did you know the Marvel Comics adaptation featured Frank Miller's first professional artwork? Did you know Cyclops (of the X-Men) has a sailboat named "Deja Thoris"? For example. :lol
What are some things you dig that you don't often talk about that are soon to hit national consciousness that you can tell us so you can point to this thread and tell people you were O.G. on?
So I'll probably be insufferable when Green Hornet comes out, knowing the character as I do; just an FYI.
Also, I love love love John Carter, Warlord of Mars. So in 2012 (assuming the world's still here), people will probably be sick of me talking about that one. Did you know the Marvel Comics adaptation featured Frank Miller's first professional artwork? Did you know Cyclops (of the X-Men) has a sailboat named "Deja Thoris"? For example. :lol
What are some things you dig that you don't often talk about that are soon to hit national consciousness that you can tell us so you can point to this thread and tell people you were O.G. on?