Stormtrooper T-shirt..."theres one set for stun"


Sr Member
Just wondering who did this t'shirt...I had a chance to be on the Trailer Park Boys tv show and I wore my Stormtrooper t-shirt with the "there's one, set for stun" on the back. The scene is extremely small and I've never been able to capture a good still of it (have to wait until it comes out on dvd) but for all those who actually own this shirt, it is NOW a replica of a screen-used piece. :D
Originally posted by NEKROFANATIC@Jan 20 2006, 11:13 AM
I had a chance to be on the Trailer Park Boys tv show and I wore my ST t-shirt with the "there's one, set for stun" on the back. The scene is extremely small and I've never been able to capture a good still of it (have to wait until it comes out on dvd) but for all those who actually own this shirt, it is NOW a replica of a screen-used piece. :D

Cool....I'll have to keep an eye out for ya on the repeats....BTW...isn't that a SW quote, not ST?
Originally posted by NEKROFANATIC@Jan 20 2006, 11:53 AM
yeah, ST refers to stormtrooper... :D

Gotcha......was reading some Trek stuff....damn Trekkies... :p
I bought it on here from a RPF''s white with a 'cartoonish' st helm on front and the words on back...
Darksidedesigns made the shirt. He only made like 30 of them. He has an entire line of those cartoon shirts with the quotes on the back.