Stormtrooper helm - Don Post?


Well-Known Member
As my title states, I got a Stormtrooper helm which claimed to be a Don Post, but I can't figure out if it really is or not. I cleaned it up, but before it had blue and grey stickers that were pretty gross. The ears are not perfectly round and seem a bit off shape/sloppy. The grey bars on the ears have also been cut out. There is a 20th Century Fox inscripted on the back, but no date. I have a feeling I bought a recasted one. The missing holes on the frown and cut out ears are really throwing me off on identification. Thanks for any help. :cry
Thanks Rob! I was getting worried since all the pictures of DP buckets either have different ears or look like they have holes in the frown...
Same cast as a DP, not a recast, but still a toy. Sold in Disney stores on both coasts in the mid-80s. The eyes (cut out here) were typically made with many holes instead of lenses -- those came later. The graphics and some details were stickers, of which are apparently all gone in the photos.
Hahaha, well I'm new to collecting and thought I could clean it up for resale is all... I took off the original stickers because they were rotten and gross =(
YES you have an original 1977 version of helmet. Here is what the original 1977 Don Post Stormtrooper helmet graphics and markings look like. Across the brow Don stuck 1/2" adhesive back foam strips. They usually fell off as the adhesive did not react well with the vinyl plastic.
