Storm/Clone Trooper armor questions


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about doing a fantasy outfit using pieces of Storm Trooper Armor.
What I want to know, If it's possible to use just the Chest, Back Shoulders and shinguards alone or do I have to use the whole thing. The Outfit I'm doing is an original creation that involves an Alien Knight with a Wolflike helmet and long cape similar to Vader's but Red and Black or Just plain black.
not sure I get waht you are asking?
for what prupose is this custom build for? if its for your own creation - you can use what ever parts you like mate!

its all modular - both the clone and stormtrooper kits. none of it hinges with another piece, so you can use whatever part you like.

I'm an artist that would like to see one of his creations come to life and wear it to conventions and Halloween as well.
I think he's probably talking about the strapping; whether or not it's all of a piece up under there or if you can use bits of it here and there and have it stay on.

I mean, I'm just guessing... based on my own curiosity of what-goes-wear under the rivets, Velcro and Tupperware. :)
if its a matter of strapping - it shoud still go ok
it depends again on the 'soft armor' undnerneath
every1 strap slightly different - eg my shoulder bells are attached by velcro to the udnersuit, but some have press studs ans strapping.

should be ok to strap up the chest/back and bells w/o problem. Shins - I guess you could velcro again.

should be ok - if you can find someone to sell you the odd bits and ends. Personall I prefer the look of the clone chest/back and bells.

wiould love to see what you had in mind. just saw a templar knight/mando armor combo over on TDH which looks great

Thanks. That's just what I wanted to know. What I have in mind, Is an Armored Alien Knight with a Wolf like helmet. That's why I want to use the Clone/Storm Trooper armor.
I plan on using either a grey or black undersuit. The Armor and Helmet will be White with red accents. Oh I forgot about the Pelveic armor as well. I want to use that too without the belt. I have another one in mind.
Your shins shouldn't be a problem either, add thin strips of foam to get a snug fit and they won't move around on you. "Pelvic armor" comes in one piece as the cod and abs. If you just want to use the lower part, ie cod, you'll have to cut that yourself and it is normally strapped to the butt plate. If your talking about the whole thing, I'm sure you could figure out a fastening system. Just remember to attach the lower cod to something or it will move around on you.