Stargate (1994)


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I found this StarGate blueprint in an old StarGate CD-rom behind-the-scenes box. I've never seen it anywhere else on the web, so I thought I'd share with you other StarGate fans. It's A3 in size and I had a lot of trouble scanning it, but with some Photoshop magic I managed. Enjoy. And sorry if this has been posted before :)

Small size:

Hi-res download
Wow thanks for scanning and posting that! :) get a decent printer and weather the page hehe
You're welcome :) I only have an A4 scanner so I had to scan it 6 times from different angles and assemble it in PS but it turned out really great :) The original is a bit darker than this but I actually prefer the scanned lighter version myself - it's easier to make out the details.
Glad you guys like it! :) It was included in an old CD-rom 'behind the scenes box for Mac. It contained some info on egyptian mythology, video clips from the movie and some actor and producer interviews. This was before the creation of the dvd so sometimes this stuff was released as a cdrom 'game'. I''l have to see if I still have the actual box and cd somewhere, I can't seem to find any info about it on the web.
The Movie, Stargate

I was wondering if anyone has pictures or drawings of the translation on the whiteboard of the glyphs. Specifically the symbols.
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Thank you for the prints,, I just finished a complete 3d model of it.. Took almost a week to complete.. Now just need to code and cut it out someday..
thanks for posting this. Do you also happen to have the starship troopers cd-rom from this series? Been looking for it for a while. Greetings,

Wow this is great! Thanks for sharing! I love this forum! So many fans, craftsmen and artist with a comon thread. Just awesome!
I've been working on cleaning up my Stargate blueprints that I've scanned. I thought that since I was doing mine, I'd clean this one up and post it for everyone. Roughly 11 hours in Photoshop CS5 to get it done. Kept as much of the original blueprint as possible. But some areas were completely resketched and used vector workpaths to get smooth lines. It should print pretty clearly on US Legal size paper even. I even added scale length lines based on the pixels resolution per inch to aid in getting proper measurements if anyone wants to use it as a guide for sculpting. There's enough changes and a few things that'ed make it evident of this cleaned version's origin to track it back here to the RPF.
If anyone notices any major errors that should have stuck out (misspellings) let me know and I'll redo that section and repost it.