Star Trek Voyager: Clear PADD Set


Sr Member
***ADDED 3/21*** I have started a thread in the junkyard. Please continue any relevant discussion there.

Im looking to do a run of clear PADDs and some of the more obscure Isolinear Data Card props. At this point I need more reference material. Lets see what we can come up with. Here is what I have so far.







I really like the more LCARS looking chips. The yellow one above is mine, but I want to find more of them if I am going to offer a run.

Also, I really want to do the clear PADDs. The big desk shot above are some that Chris Avilla made for Insurrection, but they were more commonly seen on Voyager and some of the DS9 episodes where they were on Earth. I have a buddy who works at a print shop that can print directly onto acrylic or plexi, and the printer cuts and polishes the edges too. It would be as simple as creating the image and having him print them. He said that the printers wont do the metallic colors, but the PADDs should be right on and easy to do (although the silver would be a little more matt grey). Just need help finding reference material and will be happy to offer a free set if someone good with graphics can recreate the LCARS and has patience to deal with my exacting nitpicking.
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Re: Star Trek: Clear PADDs and Isolinear Data Cards

I'm at work at the moment... but what about the the set on Picard's ready room desk through out TNG?
Re: Star Trek: Clear PADDs and Isolinear Data Cards

Thanks for the pics Mike. Im not looking for iso chips. I have lots of those for reference already...


When I say isolinear data cards, I mean the ones more closely resemble PADDs. There were a good number of them seen on the Ent-D throughout TNG, but those are kinda boring. I am looking for the ones from the later series and features that are more of a cross between a PADD and an iso-chip. This one is a screen used piece from First Contact.


While I would like to get reference material for the data cards, I am far more interested in the clear PADDs, since I can make a much more accurate replica considering the printing limitations.
Re: Star Trek: Clear PADDs and Isolinear Data Cards

I LOVE the Clear PADD, if your making them i would be very interested in obtaining one :)
Re: Star Trek: Clear PADDs and Isolinear Data Cards

This project is pretty much a go!!!

I need a few more things before I pump out a set of proofs, and at that time ill move everything to the junkyard and get an idea of interest in these.

First things first. Anyone have exacting dimensions for the large voyager PADD? I used to have a link to MM's DIY site, but I think that is long gone. I was going to base this roughly on the 6x9 versions Chris did for Insurrection, but since these were primarily seen on VOY I think I am going to go with that version. Besides, the radius ends give the thing a little more life.

There are three basic styles I have in mind. I will eventually make original artwork, but they will be heavily based on these common LCARS. The simple iine art feeds the uniqueness of the clear PADD design and will also make for a clean print.




Opinions and other ideas are welcome at this stage of the game!
Re: Star Trek: Clear PADDs and Isolinear Data Cards

I have all of MM's templates/instructions. PM me your email address and I'll send them to you. It's 6.099 by 8.038 inches according to the .ai file
I am about 99% sure that a run of the clear Voyager PADDs is going to work out! These will be printed directly onto a 1/4" sheet of plexiglass with a special ultraviolet cured ink. I've looked at a number of different ways to do these, everything from film decals to silk screening. While the UV ink isn the cheapest option, I think it will give me the best product and a long lasting quality replica. I want to be able to offer them affordably, but at the same time I don't want to cut corners. This PADD style is something I have been interested in for a long time, so if i'm going to do it, I want to do it right! I have been making some progress on this project, and the WIP graphics look awesome. Of course I have also run into a few minor challenges and expenses too. At the end of the day I think I will be moving this to an INT thread very soon. I will need a decent indicator on a run size. I want to do just a one time run of these, don't want to get stuck with a ton of extras, and I also don't want a ton of them floating around out there. Ill post more pics and details soon!
Let us know when you decide to post the interest/for sale thread. I'm really looking forward to these.


These Isolinner chips were used in the feature film Star Trek Insurrection.



Screen-used Clear PADDs from INSURRECTION
Bundy: No chips just yet, but I would like to do them if the PADDs go over well first. You will get a crack at a set of 3 clear PADDs though.

BSGBOOMER: Thanks for the great pics. Are those chips up top yours? Those are actually from First Contact. They look like Bills chips. I have that big yellow one in my personal collection, although based on where the chips in the plexi are located its not that very one. I would very much like to find more shots of chips similar to that one. The paper lables on the other chips are also a tell. I cant tell from your photos, but I would be willing to bet that there are either no initials on those iso chips or they have WKD, unlike the more common JMD ones. As for the clear PADDs, those were actually from Nemesis. At least the bottom one is for sure. It was made by Chris Avilla and is the very same one you can see in the big group shot from my first post. I also like that one because, as far as I know, it was the only 4x6 clear PADD ever used in production. Im not as knowledgeable on the Midas Array PADD, but it could be from Voyager, Nemesis, or both. You can see in the DVD bonus feature photos that the Voyager style ones were also used for the feature. The clear PADDs debuted on Voyager in 2000, Insurrection came out in 1998.


By the way, if anyone is good with screen caps I would love a bigger version of this photo.

Also, what is that big thick funky chip right in the bottom middle???
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I cannot waite until you post pics of the finished product! Do you have a price set though? On the first attempt on the padd how about taking the black backgound out and leaving that part clear? Can you d other graphics as well as in ships schematics?
Bundy, I do not yet have a price set. I need to see how many people are interested first (which could kill this before it gets going), and I still have a few things to work out logistically before I start the run. The printing process is neither simple nor inexpensive. As I mentioned above, its a specialized industrial printer that lays down a special ink that is then cured with ultraviolet lighting. I have also run into issues with getting a clear print on some of the smaller detailing and am still trying to work that out. That being said, I do still hope to offer this set affordably, but I can only do that by printing a significant sized run. From there I will still have to run them through the table router I purchased to get the rounded and polished edges, and die cut and apply the brushed metal decals. The three I am offering in the set will be heavily based on screen used pieces. Yes, you could print any design (limited by the tables limits with tight printing and different line weights) but it really wouldn't be economical to do a bunch of different designs unless you wanted 50 of them. Film decals were the least expensive option that I looked into. I dont think the finished look would be as nice as these, but it would allow you to do multiple designs if you wanted to make a bunch yourself. It would basically be a waterslide decal on plexi. I know for Chris' first two test pieces pictured in my first post, he simply painted on the detailing too.