Star Trek: TNG Blueprints for 1701-D Ready Room?


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for originals or copies of the construction blueprints for the Captain's Ready Room set of the Enterprise 1701-D. (I'm not interested in fan creations.)

These blueprints will be noted as "Unit #3" of "Starship Bridge" (which is the section of the bridge that the room was attached to) and may be noted as either "Ready Room" or "Office".

I'm especially interested in elevations B, C, D, E and F along with any associated details.

Can anyone help out with that?

There's a fellow named Joe Ralat that I've seen on a few forums. In addition to being pretty talented with "Okudagrams", he was starting a site to house Trek set blueprints. I think he bought some himself in the auctions over the last few years, and had some TNG stuff. I remember the Turbolift and Shuttlebay, off the top of my head. Perhaps he has them, or can point you in the right direction. Try or (both are his websites).
I've always wanted the wall panels we see in 10-forward for mounting in a dining room. Those would be easy to make and offer for sale.
I hope you find what you are looking would certainly make a fun thread to fallow if/when you start constructing!